
A terraform exercise

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Jedi Holocron Terraform

The Jedi Holocron project is a Terraform exercise that aims to manage infrastructure for a Jedi information system. The project is organized into several Terraform files and modules, with a structure that includes a main terraform file in (env/dev/jedi_holocron.tf) and terraform modules in the modules directory.

Table of Contents


To use the Jedi Holocron Terraform project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository:

Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/your-username/jedi-holocron-terraform.git
cd jedi-holocron-terraform
  1. Initialize Terraform:
cd env/dev
terraform init
  1. Apply the Terraform configuration:
terraform apply

to change the password and username, use the following command:

terraform apply -var="username=luke" -var="password=skywalker"
  1. Confirm the changes and let Terraform provision the infrastructure.


The API Gateway exposes the following endpoints:

  • POST /manifest: Allows users to upload Jedi information in the form of a dictionary. The request body structure is as follows:
    "98721": {
        "name": "Yoda",
        "planet": "Dagobah",
        "power_level": 90
    "54832": {
        "name": "Obi-Wan Kenobi",
        "planet": "Stewjon",
        "power_level": 85
    "12345": {
        "name": "Mace Windu",
        "planet": "Haruun Kal",
        "power_level": 87
  • POST /retrieve: Retrieves information about a Jedi based on the provided ID. The request body structure is as follows:
    "id": "51234"

Both endpoints are protected with basic authentication. To make a request using curl, use the following example:

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic bHVrZTpza3l3YWxrZXI=" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id": "51234"}' https://$API_GATEWAY_URL/retrieve

Manifest Encryption and Handling

The Jedi manifest is encrypted with the CMK key before being stored in the S3 bucket. When the /retrieve route is called, the manifest is downloaded, decrypted, and filtered for the correct information. When the POST /manifests endpoint is called, the previous encrypted version of the manifest is downloaded from the S3 bucket, decrypted, merged with the manifest passed in the request body, encrypted again, and then uploaded to the S3 bucket, overwriting the previous version.

The source code for both the Lambda functions can be found in the modules/lambda/src directory.

Basic Authentication

The basic authentication protecting the endpoints requires a username and password. These credentials can be defined during the Terraform apply process by passing the username and password variables. They are then provided to the Lambda function via environment variables.

Project Overview

The following diagram shows the infrastructure created by the Jedi Holocron project:

Jedi Holocron Infrastructure

The project consists of several modules:

CMK Module

Located in modules/cmk. Manages the provisioning of a Customer Master Key (CMK) for encryption purposes.

Input Variable Description Type Default
cmk_description The description of the CMK string "This is a sample CMK"
enable_key_rotation Whether to enable key rotation bool true
environment The environment for the CMK string "DEV"
Output Description Example
cmk_arn The ARN of the created CMK "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789012:key/abcdefgh-1234-5678-abcd-1234567890ab"
cmk_id The key ID of the created CMK "abcdefgh-1234-5678-abcd-1234567890ab"
cmk_policy_arn The ARN of the created IAM policy for CMK "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/CMKPolicy-DEV"

S3 Bucket Module

Located in modules/s3. Handles the creation of an S3 bucket for storing encrypted Jedi manifests.

Input Variable Description Type Default
bucket_name The name of the S3 bucket string
environment The environment to deploy to string "DEV"
Output Description Example
bucket_name The name of the created S3 bucket "jedi-manifests-bucket"
bucket_arn The ARN of the created S3 bucket "arn:aws:s3:::jedi-manifests-bucket"
s3_policy_arn The ARN of the created IAM policy for S3 bucket "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/S3Policy-DEV"

Lambda Module

Located in modules/lambda. Provisions Lambda functions and their associated resources for handling Jedi manifest operations.

Here is a Markdown table summarizing the inputs and outputs for the provided Terraform module:

Input Variable Description Type Default
lambda_function_name The name of the Lambda function string
lambda_function_description The description of the Lambda function string "This is a sample Lambda function"
source_dir The source directory for the Lambda function string
environment The environment to deploy to string "DEV"
api_gateway_execution_arn The ARN of the API Gateway execution string
environment_variables The environment variables for the Lambda function map(string) {}
password The password for the Lambda function string (Sensitive)
s3_policy_arn The ARN of the S3 policy string
cmk_policy_arn The ARN of the CMK policy string
bucket_name The name of the S3 bucket string
Output Description Example
invoke_arn The ARN used to invoke the Lambda function "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyLambdaFunction-DEV"

API Gateway Module

Located in modules/api_gateway. Sets up an API Gateway with two protected endpoints: POST /manifest and POST /retrieve.

Input Variable Description Type Example
api_gateway_name The name of the API Gateway string "jedi-api"
integrations The integrations for the API Gateway map See example below
environment The environment for the API Gateway string "production"

Example of integrations Map:

integrations = {
  example_integration = {
    integration_description = "Description of the integration"
    integration_method      = "POST"
    integration_uri         = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:example-lambda"
    integration_route_key   = "example-route"
Output Description Example
api_endpoint The endpoint URL of the created API Gateway "https://abcdefghi.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/production"
api_gateway_execution_arn The execution ARN of the created API Gateway "arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:123456789012:abcdefghi/production/POST/example-route"

Feel free to explore the Jedi Holocron project! May the Force be with you.