
kubernetes argocd exercise

Primary LanguageHTML

CICD Practice Repository

This repository serves as an exercise to practice Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CICD) pipelines using tools like GitHub Actions and ArgoCD. It includes a sample nginx application, ArgoCD custom resource definitions, and workflows for automating version bumps and environment promotions.

Repository Structure

The directory structure is organized as follows:

  • app: Contains a sample nginx server.
  • argocd: Contains the ArgoCD application custom resource definitions.
  • k8s: Includes the kustomization base and overlays for the DEV and QA environments.
  • bump_version.py: A script to bump a given semantic version (e.g., ./bump_version.py PATCH 1.1.0 prints 1.1.1).


1. cicd.yaml

This workflow automates the following steps:

a. Detect Changes

  • It checks for changes in the app directory.

b. Version Bump

  • If changes are detected, it triggers a job to check the commit message.
  • If the commit message contains the keywords MAJOR, MINOR, or PATCH, it runs ./bump_version.py with the respective parameters.
  • The script then builds the Docker image, publishes to the container registry and updates the kustomization overlay in DEV, allowing ArgoCD to pick up the changes.

2. promote.yaml

This workflow automates the promotion of the nginx deployment version from DEV to QA:

  • It retrieves the version of the nginx deployment in k8s/dev/nginx.
  • It replicates this version to create a pull request in k8s/qa/nginx.

How bumping semantic versions works

  1. Just add the respective keyword to the commit message and push changes:
git add .
git commit -m "Bump version [PATCH]"
git push origin main
  1. Observe the workflow in the "Actions" tab on GitHub.

  2. To promote changes to QA, merge the pull request created by the promote.yaml workflow.