
The easiest way to get started with CS246 assignments (TM)

Primary LanguageJava


An easy way to start Hadoop based assignments in CS246.


  • Java 8 SDK (older versions possible, see FAQ)

This project also includes plugins to auto-configure the project for Eclipse or IntelliJ by running the commands ./gradlew eclipse or ./gradlew idea respectively


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run the command ./gradlew eclipse
  3. Import the root folder into Eclipse

To run the code you have written, simply call the corresponding Gradle run task. Run tasks are defined in build.gradle. A sample run task for WordCount is included.

task runWordCount(type: JavaExec) {
  dependsOn removeOutput

  main = "edu.stanford.cs246.wordcount.WordCount"
  classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
  args = ["data/pg100.txt", "output"]

This task is executed by typing in ./gradlew runWordCount from the root directory. It will automatically delete an output folder if it exists from a previous run, then execute the WordCount program with the specified arguments.

To define your own run task, just copy that block, paste it somewhere else in build.gradle, and name the task differently. You will also want to change main and args as appropriate. Everything else can probably be left the same though.


Is the Java 8 SDK strictly necessary? I have the Java < 8 SDK installed.

No, it is not necessary. However, there are a ton of features in Java 8 that you might like to use like lambdas. If you want to use an older Java SDK, just change the sourceCompatibility line in build.gradle to match your installed SDK version.

Don't we need a cluster to run things for this class?

Nope. See https://piazza.com/class/ixhxcsxn21l1fu?cid=99

I don't have Java locally. How do I install it?

Probably just download the package corresponding to your OS from here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html