
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


In which we try to distinguish icebergs from ships.



Will be updated as a running log of things that have been tried.

Data is provided in the following format:

  id: string,
  band1: number[],
  band2: number[],
  inc_angle: number | "na",
  is_iceberg: boolean

where any number can be a float.

Linear SVM

First attempt is just to use linear SVM on something super simple like the values of the first band. It turns out to be somewhat of a disaster

             precision    recall  f1-score   support

          0       0.50      1.00      0.67        81
          1       0.00      0.00      0.00        80

avg / total       0.25      0.50      0.34       161

[[81  0]
 [80  0]]

It assigns everything to one category. Clear that SVM is not a good approach to use here.


             precision    recall  f1-score   support

          0       0.55      0.42      0.48        81
          1       0.53      0.65      0.58        80

avg / total       0.54      0.53      0.53       161

[[34 47]
 [28 52]]

Slightly "better" approach in the sense that it's not just blindly outputting the same value over and over again.

Neural nets

First idea is to just throw everything


Will be updated as more research is done.