
My vim configuration (one-line installation)

Primary LanguageVim script


Screenshot at 2017-03-30


\curl -L https://l.rcd.zone/2g8jyky | bash -s

Note that you should always read the bash script you're about to download and run. I'm not malicious but that does not mean everyone else is nice. :-)

Essentially this script just grabs the latest version of the install.sh file and runs it. Feel free to take a look at it here.

Manual Install

  1. $ mkdir ~/vimfiles
  2. $ git clone git@github.com:rcdilorenzo/vimfiles.git ~/vimfiles
  3. $ ln -s ~/vimfiles ~/.vim
  4. $ ln -s ~/vimfiles/rc ~/.vimrc
  5. $ mkdir ~/vimfiles/bundle
  6. $ git clone git@github.com:gmarik/Vundle.vim.git ~/vimfiles/bundle/vundle
  7. Open vim (ignore warnings)
  8. Run :BundleInstall
  9. Close and reopen vim
  10. Install patched fonts (for arrows and other decorations)
  11. $ git clone git@github.com:powerline/fonts.git
  12. $ ./fonts/install.sh
  13. $ rm -rf fonts/


  • :Open will open a directory relative to ~/workspaces. Change g:project_dir if you use a different path.