Dragon's Dogma Wiki Parser

I found myself wanting to generate large tables of the contents of the Dragon's Dogma wiki, so I wrote a script to scrape it, and then generate those tables.


  • Python 3.5+ (maybe earlier versions will work, but I've only tested with 3.5.)
  • The requests Python library.
    • pip install requests
  • The ceterach Python library (for updater.py only)
    • pip install git+https://github.com/Riamse/ceterach


python downloader.py [page name]

This script gets a listing of all of the equipment pages, and then extracts the wiki markup for each page, saving it into a file in the 'cache' directory under the current directory.

If a page name is given, only that page is downloaded. This is useful for refreshing your cache after editing a page.


python parse_equipment.py <category>

After downloading all of the pages with downloader.py, we can extract the template data for each item, and then generate tables for each item level, and group them together within <tabber></tabber> tags. Prints the result to stdout.

The category matches the wiki category for a class of equipment: Swords, Shields, Torso Armor, etc.


See: python updater.py --help

Updates an autogenerated table in a page on the wiki. It uses comments in the wiki text to figure out where the table goes, and won't add a table if one isn't there already. It will also show a diff between the current revision and the new one.