
RSong Asset Acquisition

Primary LanguageScala

RSong Acquisition

This repository is archived in favor of rsong

A minimal utility for loading RSong binary assets to RChain.


This project is still under active development.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system


  • Prerequisites
  • Clone & Build
  • Execute


Clone & Build

git clone git@github.com:kayvank/rsong-acquisition.git
cd rsong-acquisition
sbt compile 
sbt universal:packageBin


To run the project locally:

  • make sure you have a local instance of rnode up and running
  • execute the project:
sbt run
## alternatively
sbt clean compile universal:pacageBin
cd target/universal
unzip ./rsong-acquisition-1.2-SNAPSHOT.zip
cd rsong-acquisition-1.2-SNAPSHOT/



  • Install rsong contract:
./bin/rsong-acquisition  Install  

  • Deploy and Propose rsong assets to block-chain:
./bin/rsong-acquisition  Deploy

  • Install contract, deploy and propose assets

Environment variables


Running tests:

There are minimal unit tests.

tests are:

  • unit tests
  • integration tests

Unit tests

sbt clean test

Future work

  • rsong-acquisition should work against an asset manifest
  • add acquisitions against aws s3, dropbox, and other cloud related storage dev.
  • use environment variables to target diff rnode installations
  • impl monix
