"­­Elucidating the diversity of malignant mesenchymal states in glioblastoma by integrative analysis"

This resource provides the R code used in the analysis described in Chanoch-Myers, R., Wider, A., Suva, M.L. et al. Elucidating the diversity of malignant mesenchymal states in glioblastoma by integrative analysis. Genome Med 14, 106 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13073-022-01109-8

For questions, please contact ronychanoch@gmail.com


returns a dataframe with the percentage of genes from each core or function-specific MES signature that are included in each of the published MES signatures

# MES_Sigs_List = Table S1 of manuscript
# MES_functional_list = Table S2 of manuscript

MES_sigs_makeup<- function(MES_Sigs_List,MES_functional_list)
  intersect_programs<- lapply(MES_Sigs_List, function(x){lapply(MES_functional_list, function(y){length(intersect(y,x))/length(x) })  })
  intersect_programs<- as.data.frame(do.call(cbind,intersect_programs))


returns the distribution of scores + shuffled scores for a given signature tpm matrices downloaded from published datasets:

  • Neftel C, Laffy J, Filbin MG, Hara T, Shore ME, Rahme GJ, et al. An Integrative Model of Cellular States, Plasticity, and Genetics for Glioblastoma. Cell 2019
  • Couturier CP, Ayyadhury S, Le PU, Nadaf J, Monlong J, Riva G, et al. Single-cell RNA-seq reveals that glioblastoma recapitulates a normal neurodevelopmental hierarchy. Nat Commun 2020
  • Wang L, Babikir H, Müller S, Yagnik G, Shamardani K, Catalan F, et al. The Phenotypes of Proliferating Glioblastoma Cells Reside on a Single Axis of Variation. Cancer Discov 2019
  • Yuan J, et al. Single-cell transcriptome analysis of lineage diversity in high-grade glioma. Genome Medicine 2018
# tpm_matrix subset to include only malignant cells and 2000+ detected genes
# cell_type_df = metadata including cell name and patient of origin
# signature = name of signature from MES_functional_list in question

get_score_dist<- function(tpm_matrix, cell_type_df, signature=NULL, threshold=.99)
  log_expression_matrix <- log2(1+ tpm_matrix/10)
  # matrices were filtered to only include samples that had 50+ malignant cells 
  cells_per_tumor_in_study<- table(cell_type_df$Sample)
  cells_per_tumor_in_study<- cells_per_tumor_in_study[cells_per_tumor_in_study>=50]
  log_expression_matrix<- log_expression_matrix[,cell_type_df$Cell[cell_type_df$Sample %in% names(cells_per_tumor_in_study)]]
  # matrices were shuffled to generate shuffled distribution 
  shuffled_log_tpm_matrix <- t(apply(log_expression_matrix, 1, function(x){sample(x,length(x))}))
  # calculating the scores for signatures
  score_matrix<- scalop::sigScores(m = log_expression_matrix, sigs = MES_functional_list)
  score_matrix_shuffled<- scalop::sigScores(m = shuffled_log_tpm_matrix, sigs = MES_functional_list)
  # calculates the score threshold based on 99% percentile of shuffled dataset 
  score_threshold<- quantile(score_matrix_shuffled[,plot_factor], threshold)
  # which cells score higher than score threshold
  positive_cells<- rownames(score_matrix)[score_matrix[,plot_factor]]>= score_threshold
  score_matrix[,"Dist"]<- "normal"
  score_matrix_shuffled[,"Dist"] <- "shuffled"
  dist_df<- rbind(score_matrix[,c(plot_factor,"Dist")], score_matrix_shuffled[,c(plot_factor,"Dist")])
  return(list("dist_df"= dist_df, "positive_cells"= positive_cells))


returns correlation of expression of functional MES programs (per tumor and average)

cor_expression<- function(score_matrix, cell_type_df)
  score_matrix[rownames(cell_type_df),"Sample"]<- cell_type_df$Sample
  score_matrix_split_by_sample<- split(score_matrix, score_matrix$Sample)
  pairwise_cor_calc <- function(DF) {
    n= which(colnames(DF)=="Sample")
    cor_calc<-cor(DF[,-n],method="spearman" )
  # list of correlation matrices for signatures split by patient
                          function(x) pairwise_cor_calc(DF=x) )
  # average correlation matrix for signatures
  mean_cor_matrix<- Reduce(`+`, cor_matrix_list) / length(cor_matrix_list)
  return(list("cor_matrix_list"=cor_matrix_list, "mean_cor_matrix"= mean_cor_matrix))


returns the correlation of expression of MES CORE with T-cell/macrophage specific genes expression in bulk RNA seq tpm matrices downloaded from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)

# TCGA_log_tpm = normalized log tpm expression matrix downloaded from TCGA RNA-seq dataset
# t_cell_specific_genes = genes that are at least 8-fold higher expressed in T-cells than in any other cell-type, as previously described in Hara et al 2021
# macrophage_specific_genes = genes that are at least 8-fold higher expressed in T-cells than in any other cell-type, as previously described in Hara et al 2021

TCGA_associations<- function(TCGA_log_tpm,t_cell_specific_genes,macrophage_specific_genes)
  # bulk score matrix of MES functional programs, T cell, and Macrophage signatures
  TCGA_score_matrix = scalop::sigScores(m = TCGA_log_tpm, sigs = c(MES_functional_list,"T_Cell"=c("CD2", "CD3D", "CD3E", "CD3G"), "Macrophage"= c("CD14",   "AIF1" ,  "CD163" , "TYROBP", "CSF1R" )))
  # correlation of each gene's expression to program scores
  corr_df<- data.frame(row.names = rownames(TCGA_log_tpm))
  corr_df[,"Correlation_T_Cell"]<- apply(TCGA_log_tpm,1,function(x){cor(x, TCGA_score_matrix$T_Cell)})
  corr_df[,"Correlation_Macrophage"]<- apply(TCGA_log_tpm,1,function(x){cor(x, TCGA_score_matrix$Macrophage)})
  corr_df[,"Correlation_MES"]<- apply(TCGA_log_tpm,1,function(x){cor(x, sigScores_tcga$MES_CORE_GENES)})
  return(list("T_cell_correlation"=cor.test(corr_df[t_cell_specific_genes,"Correlation_T_Cell"],corr_df[t_cell_specific_genes,"Correlation_MES"]), "Macrophage_correlation"=  cor.test(corr_df[t_cell_specific_genes,"Correlation_Macrophage"],corr_df[t_cell_specific_genes,"Correlation_MES"])))

#TCGA_correlations returns the correlation of each MES states with feature, and the partial correlation of each MES state with the MES CORE score for the feature in TCGA bulk RNA seq

# TCGA_log_tpm = normalized log tpm expression matrix downloaded from TCGA RNA-seq dataset
# feature = signature of T cell/macrophage state in question

TCGA_correlations<- function(TCGA_log_tpm, feature)
  TCGA_score_matrix = scalop::sigScores(TCGA_log_tpm, c(MES_functional_list,feature=feature))
  TCGA_score_matrix$MES_HYPOXIA= TCGA_score_matrix$MES_CORE_GENES- TCGA_score_matrix$HYPOXIA   # MES_HYPOXIA = MES CORE - MES-Hyp score
  TCGA_score_matrix$MES_ASTROCYTE= TCGA_score_matrix$MES_CORE_GENES- TCGA_score_matrix$ASTROCYTE # MES_ASTROCYTE = MES CORE - MES-Ast score
  ## bar_corr = table for bootstrapped pearson correlations of MES states to given feature
  bar_corr<- data.frame(matrix(nrow=1,ncol=3)) 
  colnames(bar_corr)<- c("MES_CORE_GENES","MES_HYPOXIA","MES_ASTROCYTE")
  for(program in colnames(bar_corr))
    x1 <- TCGA_score_matrix[,program]
    y1 <- TCGA_score_matrix[,feature]
    z1 <- replicate(1000, sample(1:length(x1),75, replace = T)) ### bootstrap
    bar_corr[1:1000,program]<-(unlist(apply(z1, 2, function(x){cor.test(x1[x], y1[x], method="pearson")$estimate})))
  ## bar_prcor = table for bootstrapped partial correlations of MES states with MES to given feature
  bar_prcor<- data.frame(row.names = 1:1000)  ## bar_prcor = partial correlation table
  bar_prcor[,"MES_CORE_GENES"]<- bar_corr[,"MES_CORE_GENES"]
  bar_prcor[1:1000,"MES_HYPOXIA_PCOR"]<-(unlist(apply(z1, 2, function(x){
    pcor(TCGA_score_matrix[x,c(feature,"HYPOXIA","MES_CORE_GENES")], method="pearson")$estimate["MES_CORE_GENES",feature]
  bar_prcor[1:1000,"MES_ASTROCYTE_PCOR"]<-(unlist(apply(z1, 2, function(x){
    pcor(TCGA_score_matrix[x,c(feature,"ASTROCYTE","MES_CORE_GENES")], method="pearson")$estimate["MES_CORE_GENES",feature]
  return(list("correlation_df"=bar_corr, "partial_correlation_df"=bar_prcor )) 