
OLD - project now hosted in a different repo.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

V1 Summary

  • First Class Packages and Versioning
  • Plain English, Easy-to-Change Variable Names and Descriptions
  • Smart Comments
  • Easy Test Creation
  • “Practical” Types For Side Effects
  • “Community” and "Official" Types
  • Whitelist of Known/"Accepted" methods for references


  • Programming as Process of Discovery, not Creation
  • Most Everything in Code is Really Metadata (Variable Names, Types, etc.)
  • Pit of Success: Make Most Important and Common Techniques Easy, Exceptions Hard, but...
  • Powerful Escape Hatches: Warn, Don't Prevent

Game Plan

  • Brainstorm Scenarios
  • Prototype Node Structure
  • Test Node Structure Functionality
  • Node Structure Visualization
  • Prototype Commit Flow
  • Test Commit Functionality
  • Tree Keyboard Exploration
  • Tree Keyboard Editing
  • Test Generation
  • Previewing


  • Node Types
    • Immutable
    • Generic
    • Number
    • String
    • Boolean
    • Regex
    • Undefined
    • null
    • Others...
    • Static Reference
      • Object reference that can't be mutated
      • Use for standard lib methods and most npm packages
    • Mutable Reference
      • Reference inside object that’s “intended” to be mutated
      • Could potentially also be standalone mutable reference (already exists for “free” in a sense by defining on global object, so...never mind?)
    • Op
      • Same type as Functions?
      • Certain operations not currently modeled as functions, such as +, -, new, etc.
      • New Op: Module
        • For including modules, by specific version
      • Can we derive what's considered a Function solely by analyzing Ops and other Nodes?
      • Call
        • NOTE: probably not necessary with Event type input described in Input section
        • Special Op that works with special Unit type (a la Reason)
        • When all other Inputs fulfilled, must still be passed Unit to execute?
    • Input
      • What "drives" the system. Callbacks/listeners push events to these inputs.
      • Event type used to "bind" functions to defer calling and pass around function itself, not invocation result
    • Generator
      • Returns a non-deterministic value; essentially a "non-idempotent" function
      • Examples: Math.random, Date.now, shortid
    • Effect
      • Can these all be combined into one property to cover safety, idempotence, and ephemerality?
      • Publish
        • Puts value on certain input
        • Pass to event handlers
      • Safe (Level 0)
        • Safe to re-run after a relevant code change, for example
        • Examples: log, render
      • Unsafe (Levels)
        • Examples: write to disk
      • Idempotent
        • Effects “stabilize” eventually
        • Examples: render, GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
        • Counterexamples: log, POST, write to disk
      • Ephemeral (Levels?)
        • Easy to clear effects and “waste”
        • Examples: log, play sound, render, memory
        • Counterexamples: write to disk, launch missile
      • Unknown
  • Edit and Commit Types
    • Create
      • Creates a new "flow" (initial node)
    • Link
      • links node to another
    • Add
      • Sugar for Create + Link
      • For existing flow, creates copy with node appended
    • Remove
      • For existing flow, creates copy with node removed
    • Change
      • Sugar for Add and Remove
    • Instance
      • Creates copy of flow (to include in another flow)
      • JS analogy: function call
      • Change to original flow changes this flow
    • Variant
      • Creates copy of flow
      • Flow copy behavior can be modified
      • Change to original flow can propagate to branch flow
        • Proposed behavior: branch flows show diffs and user can selectively patch them in.
    • Fork
      • Creates copy of flow
      • Changes to original flow DO NOT change fork
  • View Types
    • Select Node
    • Select Flow
      • select multiple nodes to define a "flow" section that the user wishes to operate on
      • require labeling first?
    • Node/Flow metadata operations
      • Add Name
      • Add Description
      • Add Comment
      • Add Type
    • Collapse
    • Expand
    • Show Versions
  • Saved Values
    • Mark as Invariant
      • must hold true
    • Mark as Invalid
      • necessary? basically sugar for "must NOT hold true"
    • Clear
    • Set Max


  • Networked/Distributed Syncing
    • Both Decentralized and Centralized Options
  • Strong Types
    • Test Generation From Types
    • Nodes can have multiple types?
  • Release Tagging
  • Include Other Assets Besides NPM Modules (CSS, images, etc.)
    • Escape hatch for arbitrary command line operations?
  • Custom Edit Operations
  • Secure Private Modules
  • Other Targets! (C, Jai, OCaml, Assembly, etc.)
  • Optimized Compilation
    • "Minification" of the JSON "spec"
      • Use one of the reserved unicode characters for namespacing
    • Actual code transpilation
  • First Class Dependency Injection/Context?

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.