
Python template for custom automarkers

Primary LanguagePython

What'sEcco this repository about

This repository contains a template and useful examples for creating custom automarkers for your Answerbook exams, leveraging the Answerbook API. Each script in the examples folder is an exact copy of automarker-template.py except for the implementation of Automarker.run(), which is tailored to the specific automarker's strategy.

In summary, each automarker implements the same overall algorithm:

  1. it queries the API for all the exam students and questions
  2. iterates over each student and each question
  3. queries the API for the student's answers and marks and, for each question's section
  4. calls Automarker.run() to compute the appropriate mark (suitably commented)
  5. issues a POST request against the API to save the mark

Each call to the run() method targets the marking of a specific section of the exam for a specific student.

How to use this repository

Start by cloning the repository. Then, using an up-to-date version of Python3, we recommend creating a virtual environment and installing the required dependencies (the examples provided assume a UNIX environment):

python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

You can then implement your marker starting from automarker-template.py and replacing the body of the run() method within the Automarker class with your own custom code.

Every automarker script is invoked with one mandatory argument: the root URL of the exam's API. For the 2023-2024 60005 exam, for example, invoking the no-answer-automarker.py looks like:

python no-answer-automarker.py https://answerbook.doc.ic.ac.uk/2023/60005/exam/api

To run automarkers (e.g. the no-answer-automarker) locally against an instance of the API running in local host, the above currently becomes:

python no-answer-automarker.py http://localhost:8000

The run() method contract


The run() method accepts the following parameters:

Param name Description
username The student username
section_id The ID of the section to mark. This is in the form of dash-separated digits e.g. 1-1-2 represents Question 1, Part a, Section ii.
max_mark The section's maximum mark.
tasks The section's tasks. See your live Answerbook instance API docs and the wiki for reference.

Return value

The method is expected to return

  • None for cases not matching the automarker's pre-conditions (a common one being the check for no existing mark for the section)
  • a dictionary like {"mark": int | float, "feedback": str} for all other cases.