A new kind of password vault that fools the brute-force attacker by charning out decoy passwords.
- 00Dav
- 0n-sA land of doors
- b3n4khOrion Arm / Milky Way
- benedict-beuscher
- CrisClausNankai University
- dan96587
- ex0dus-0xNYC
- freedomFuDre@mtech
- hardtimes1966
- kenzy396
- kkatayamaUniversity of Delaware
- krypto-nkuNankai University
- lbarmanSwitzerland
- LeiPudd
- m33x@CISPA
- MountainLoversSS@PKU
- mwleedsThe Aerospace Corporation
- nkwejj
- orent
- pasquini-dariolatent space
- postboy
- proftwine
- sbsomuncuoglu
- SSonikMelbourne, Australia
- StdioAShanghai, China
- theodorosc