
This project will contain a back end stack with rust web framework Actix for fast http request. Alongside Juniper (Rust + GraphQL) with Rust bindings (tch-rs) for the C++ API of PyTorch (Libtorch).

Primary LanguageRust

(Under Construction)

tch-rs (PyTorch C++ API Rust Bindings) into production

Build Status Latest version License

+ Tokio (Async) + Tonic (gRPC) + PostGresQL

+ Actix (Web Framework) + Juniper (GraphQL + Rust)

This project will contain a back end stack with rust web framework Actix for fast API. Alongside Juniper, an integration of Rust w/ GraphQL. And Rust bindings (tch-rs) for the C++ API of PyTorch (Libtorch) using Torchscript.

Full credit for sections 00-02
Rust fundamentals
Genus-v Programming
Torch Audio Course

I wish to build up my knowledge from the sources referenced to setup a Machine Learning Rust ecosystem into production.

Why Rust for machine learning?


PyTorch production options I want to consider

alt text


00. Server From Scratch 01. Todo-Actix
02. Actix with Juniper 03. Libtorch with Actix