
A Fractal subtheme, built upon the default Mandelbrot theme.

Primary LanguageCSS


A Fractal subtheme, built upon the default Mandelbrot theme.

Mono screenshot


  • Minimalist & clean styling giving greater clarity
  • Typography updates
  • Component notes displayed more prominently
  • Tabbed 'View', 'HTML', and 'Context' area made more user friendly & accessible
  • More 'baked-in' styling for Documentation pages
  • A solid foundation which can be used in conjunction with the Fractal Atomic starter project or inserted in your existing Fractal project


Follow the instructions on how to install Fractal and 'Getting Started' before installing the Mono subtheme using a command line tool from your project root directory.

Via NPM:

npm install --save mono-fractal

Via the GitHub repo:

npm install --save git+https://git@github.com/ninety-six/mono-fractal.git


In the setup file for your project you can require and use the subtheme:

// fractal.config.js
'use strict';

const fractal = module.exports = require('@frctl/fractal').create();
const webUITheme = require('mono-fractal')({});

// ... project setup and configuration

fractal.web.theme(webUITheme); // use the sub-classed theme

The Mono theme can be configured using many of the same options as the Mandelbrot theme. Any styles and scripts added will be merged into their respective array of files so you need not specify the themes default stylesheet and script but they will always be included.

Note - On Windows, a conflicting command-line application prevents you from running Fractal commands from the project's root directory (where your fractal.js config file will live). To work around this you can rename your config file fractal.config.js and then enter the following code to your package.json file:

"fractal": {
    "main": "fractal.config.js"

Fractal Atomic Starter Project

I have also developed a great set of folders & files that can be used as an awesome starter point for your Fractal UI component library. It's features include:

  • Use of Twig as the templating engine
  • Component folder structure based on Atomic Design principles
  • Folder structure that works with Fractal
  • Markup, config and markdown files for typography, buttons, form elements and tables included
  • Statuses for components & documentation pages improved
  • Template export function included

You can find out more about Fractal Atomic here.