
Open Source WebXR game using aframe.io Full Code available on this Github Page.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Setting up Multiplayer WebXR Chess Game

Open Source WebXR game using aframe.io (webVR framework) Full Code available on Github Page.

Live Demo - https://chessvr.glitch.me/


How it Works

  • Add 3D models in GLTF or glb format in the asset folder. Also, you can add any Images, videos, materials in asset folder for reference (Check File Size limit)
  • Inside /public folder index.html is where all the code will go and /js folder for all javascript functions / components.


Let's define our goal for the project and scene. In order visualize our concept, some of following assets we need

  • Environment

  • 3D Models of Chess

  • Controllers

Creating a Scene

Similar to normal Web HTML Pages. We have

  • <head> tag (To import all our dependencies)
  • <body> tag(All entities and assets)

Step 1

  • Let's set up our floor / ground

In a-frame, we can define a <a-plane>

For example we can follow the docs from a-frame Getting Started

  position="0 0 -4"
  rotation="-90 0 0"

Watch Tutorial

  • For our project we need a real ground, We decided use a Ground texture Ground textured
    <title>Chess VR - Let's play chess in WEBXR</title>
    <script src="https://aframe.io/releases/1.1.0/aframe.min.js"></script>


      <!-- Ground -->
        material="color: #FFFFFFF; src: #ground; repeat : 5 5;"
        rotation="-90 0 0"
        scale="10 10 1"

Step 1

Step 2

  • Let's add a open-source aframe-environment compoment from Diego F. Goberna to easily create background scene for us!

Scene Examples

We used a environment="preset forest" forest envrionement but we can do a bit more to add more customization to match our scene. For example, adding and removing different aspects of the scene

    <!-- Environment -->
        environment="preset:  forest;  playArea:  2;  active:  true;  seed:  8;
                     skyType:  gradient;
                     skyColor:  #ffffff;  // Change the color of the sky
                     horizonColor:  #87CEEB;
                     fog:  0.5;
                     groundYScale:  4.18;  groundTexture:  squares;  groundColor:  #43994b;  //Change ground color
                     groundColor2:  #43994b;  dressing:  trees;  dressingAmount:  500;
                     dressingColor:  #43994b;  dressingScale:  1;
                     gridColor:  #43994b"

View docs for more info

A Tip to easily change parameters

  • Use A-frame Inspector Please ctrl+alt+i on a scene and it will open an inspector, then on the right side change the parameter. Copy the changes and paste it to your html.

Step 2

Step 3

  • Let's add 3d Objects, we can use models our custom assets or use Sketchfab

We have a bench and our chess board, For WebVR we need .gltf or .glbfile

Similar to the code from aframe docs

    <a-asset-item id="tree" src="tree.gltf"></a-asset-item>

  <!-- Using the asset management system. -->
  <a-gltf-model src="#tree"></a-gltf-model>

  <!-- Defining the URL inline. Not recommended but more comfortable for web developers. -->
  <a-gltf-model src="tree.gltf"></a-gltf-model>
  • By using the Aframe inspector we position each chess pieces into proper spaces

Step 3

Step 4

  • Adding Quest Controllers to move and Teleport in our scene

We import aframe-teleport-controls by Fernando Serrano Github link

Inside the <head> tag we simply copy and past this cdn script

    <script src="https://rawgit.com/fernandojsg/aframe-teleport-controls/master/dist/aframe-teleport-controls.min.js"></script>

WARNING The implementation for quest controllers doesn't quite work from the github page.

Luckily Takashi Yoshinaga create a great implementation and showed how to implement in his demo - https://quest-demo.glitch.me Demo

Using Takashi implementation, since we already imported the aframe-teleport we add cameraRig entity

 <a-entity id="cameraRig">
            <a-entity id="head" camera wasd-controls look-controls position="0 1.6 0">
            <a-entity id="ctlL"
                teleport-controls="cameraRig: #cameraRig; teleportOrigin: #head; startEvents: teleportstart; endEvents: teleportend"
                raycaster="objects: .collidable; far:1.2; " oculus-touch-controls="hand: left" input-listen>
                <a-text value="Press and let go \nX: to Move" position="0 0.08 0"
                    rotation="-90 0 0" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1" align="center" color="#FFFFFF"></a-text>
              <a-sphere radius="0.01" position="0 0 -1.2" color="#FFFFFF"></a-sphere>
            <a-entity id="ctlR" raycaster="objects: .collidable; far:1.2; " oculus-touch-controls="hand: right" input-listen>
                <a-text value="Use Grip to interact"
                    position="0 0.08 0" rotation="-90 0 0" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1" align="center" color="#FFFFFF"></a-text>
              <a-sphere radius="0.01" position="0 0 -1.2" color="#FFFFFF"></a-sphere>

And we need to add EventListener script

    AFRAME.registerComponent('input-listen', {
            function () {
                //Declaration and initialization of flag
                //which exprains grip button is pressed or not.
                //"this.el" reffers ctlR or L in this function
                this.el.grip = false;

                //Grip Pressed
                this.el.addEventListener('gripdown', function (e) {
                    //Setting grip flag as true.
                    this.grip = true;
                //Grip Released
                this.el.addEventListener('gripup', function (e) {
                    //Setting grip flag as false.
                    this.grip = false;

                //Raycaster intersected with something.
                this.el.addEventListener('raycaster-intersection', function (e) {
                    //Store first selected object as selectedObj
                    this.selectedObj = e.detail.els[0];
                //Raycaster intersection is finished.
                this.el.addEventListener('raycaster-intersection-cleared', function (e) {
                    //Clear information of selectedObj
                    this.selectedObj = null;

                //A-buttorn Pressed
                this.el.addEventListener('abuttondown', function (e) {
                       //Start pointing position to teleport
               this.el.addEventListener('abuttonup', function (e) {
                    //Jump to pointed position

                //X-buttorn Pressed
                this.el.addEventListener('xbuttondown', function (e) {
                    //Start pointing position to teleport

                //X-buttorn Released
                this.el.addEventListener('xbuttonup', function (e) {
                    //Jump to pointed position


        //called evry frame.
        tick: function () {

            if (!this.el.selectedObj) { return; }
            if (!this.el.grip) { return; }

            //Getting raycaster component which is attatched to ctlR or L
            //this.el means entity of ctlR or L in this function.
            var ray = this.el.getAttribute("raycaster").direction;
            //setting tip of raycaster as 1.1m forward of controller.
            var p = new THREE.Vector3(ray.x, ray.y, ray.z);
            //Convert local position into world coordinate.
            //Move selected object to follow the tip of raycaster.
            this.el.selectedObj.object3D.position.set(p.x, p.y, p.z);


Step 4

Adding Hands and phsyics

Since we need to add hands and being able to pick up chess pieces we need aframe-physics and hands - @Will Murphy to the rescue with aframe-super-hands-component

Also - Kyle Baker helped us simplify the implementation - > c-frame/aframe-super-hands-component#188

Per Kyle instruction

  • Import the components in head

     <script src="https://unpkg.com/super-hands/dist/super-hands.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/n5ro/aframe-physics-system@v4.0.1/dist/aframe-physics-system.js"></script>
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/aframe-event-set-component@^4.1.1/dist/aframe-event-set-component.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/aframe-physics-extras/dist/aframe-physics-extras.min.js"></script>
  • Then add Script

      AFRAME.registerComponent("phase-shift", {
        init: function() {
          var el = this.el;
          el.addEventListener("gripdown", function() {
            el.setAttribute("collision-filter", { collisionForces: true });
          el.addEventListener("gripup", function() {
            el.setAttribute("collision-filter", { collisionForces: false });
  • Add Mixin inside your <assets> tag
        event-set__hoveron="_event: hover-start; material.opacity: 0.7; transparent: true"
        event-set__hoveroff="_event: hover-end; material.opacity: 1; transparent: false"

        event-set__hoveron="_event: hover-start; material.opacity: 0.7; transparent: true"
        event-set__hoveroff="_event: hover-end; material.opacity: 1; transparent: false"
        dynamic-body="shape: box; sphereRadius: 0.1"

        collision-filter="collisionForces: false"
        static-body="shape: sphere; sphereRadius: 0.02"
        super-hands="colliderEvent: collisions;
                            colliderEventProperty: els;
                            colliderEndEvent: collisions;
                            colliderEndEventProperty: clearedEls;"

  • Now we need to tell our models to get mixins
      scale="0.03 0.03 0.03"
      position="-0.38701 1.08131 -2.44533"
      scale="0.03 0.03 0.03"
      position="0.07661 1.08131 -2.44533"
  • Lastly we need to mixin, hands and script to the CameraRig
        teleport-controls="cameraRig: #cameraRig; teleportOrigin: #head; startEvents: teleportstart; endEvents: teleportend"
        raycaster="objects: .collidable; far:1.2; "
        hand-controls="hand: left" 
        mixin="physics-hands" <-updated
        phase-shift <- updated


  • Adding aframe-physics to interact with chess pieces
  • Multiplayer