This repository contains Nagios plugins to check availability of RCIAM Services.
Currently it supports the following probes:
- Metadata Health
- Login Health
- Python ~=3.9
- Pip3
- firefox:
/usr/bin/firefox -marionette --headless -foreground -no-remote -profile /tmp/rust_mozprofilerYSIK2
- Tested with:
- Browser Version: v76.0.1
- Browser Version: v77.0.1
- Webdriver Version(geckodriver): v0.26.0
- Download and install the driver in a directory accessible by the script.
- Tested with:
Clone and install in local repository with venv
$ python3 install
Make rpm
make rpm
Make tarball
make sources
Clean Make leftovers
make clean
checkcert [-h] [-w WARNING] [-c CRITICAL] [-H HOSTNAME] [-e ENDPOINT] [-s CERTUSE] [-l LOG] [-v|--verbose Verbose] [-p PORT]
[-t TIMEOUT] [-C|--console Console]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CRITICAL, --critical CRITICAL remaining days threshold for critical
-w WARNING, --warning WARNING remaining days threshold for warning
-s CERTUSE, --certuse CERTUSE type of certificate {signing, encryption, all}
-v , --verbose VERBOSE level of verboseness in log messages {-v, -vv, -vvv, -vvv}, defaults to critical
-l LOG, --log LOG the logfile the probe will use to append its messages, provide full path
-p PORT, --port PORT port the probe will target
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT number of seconds the probe will wait for response before timeout
-C, --console enable log output to stdout
required arguments:
-H HOSTNAME, --hostname HOSTNAME domain name of the service
-e ENDPOINT, --endpoint ENTPOINT endpoint advertising the metadata
sample command: checkcert -w 20 -c 10 -H -e service/Shibboleth.sso/Metadata -t signing
sample output: SSL_CERT(signing) OK - x509 certificate '' from 'KIT-CA' is valid until 2022-05-17 10:00:00 (expires in 727 days) | 'SSL Metadata Cert'=727;20;10;0;3650
For the case of type:all the output will be different
sample command: checkcert -H -e proxy/saml2/idp/metadata.php -w 20 -c 10 -t all -v
sample output: SSL_CERT(signing) OK, SSL_CERT(encryption) OK | 'SSL Metadata Cert Status'=0
checklogin [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-f FIREFOX] [-i IDENTITY] [-s SERVICE PROVIDER] [-b|--basic_auth]
[-t TIMEOUT] [-v VERBOSE] [-l LOG] [-H HOSTNAME] [-p PORT] [-r SERVICE PROVIDER] [-C|--console console]
[-J] [-e|--inlocation] [--json] [--version|-V]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT number of seconds the probe will wait for response before timeout
-v , --verbose VERBOSE level of verboseness in log messages {-v, -vv, -vvv, -vvv}, defaults to critical
-l LOG, --log LOG the logfile the probe will use to append its messages, provide full path
-p PORT, --port PORT port the probe will target
-b, --basic_auth login flow with Basic Authentication
-f FIREFOX, --firefox FIREFOX firefox binary full path
-g GECKODRIVER, --geckodriver GECKODRIVER full path of the geckodriver executable(binary included)
-r SERVICE, --rp RP full URL of the Service Provider's Landing Page after a successfull authentication
-C, --console enable log output to stdout
-J, enable output into json format
--json, enable output into json format and provide the output path. The path must be relative to Nagios home directory.
-e, --inlocation Pull monitoring data from an external source(URL endpoint)
required arguments:
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME username of the user to be authenticated
-a PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD password of the user to be authenticated
-i IDENTITY, --idp IDENTITY csv list of entityID URL of the identity provider, e.g., Each IdP entry represents a hop towards authentication during a login flow.
-s SERVICE PROVIDER, --sp SP full URL of the Service Provider's AUTHENTICATION link the probe will test
-H HOSTNAME, --hostname HOSTNAME domain name of the service
sample command: checklogin -t 20 -vv -u $USER -a $PASSWORD -s
-i -H -g /path/to/geckodriver
sample output: SP Login succeeded(14.92sec time) | 'Login'=14.92s
sample command: checklogin -s -i
-f /usr/bin/firefox -vvv -t 20 -g /path/to/geckodriver -u $USER -a $PASSWORD --basic_auth
sample output: SP Login succeeded(14.92sec time) | 'Login'=14.92s
Metadata Certificate Health does the following:
- Checks if the x.509 certificate included in the metadata is valid
Login Health does the following:
- Checks if the login flow through the AAI Proxy is successful
- The user presses login or follow a symbolic link to the service
- AAI Proxy presents the Discovery Service and the user selects the Identity Provider
- The user authenticates to the IdP
- Provide username and password and press submit
- (Optional)Accept Consent page from the Identity Provider
- SAML Response post back to the proxy
- A number of simplesamlphp modules will fire. Last will always be the consent page
- The user lands to the home page of the service
The probes:
- return exit codes and performance data according to Nagios Plugins Specifications
- (installing with rpm)create the directory structure rciam_probes/rciam_probes.log under the /var/log and all output is redirected there.
`-- rciam_probes.log
- If /var/log/rciam_probes/ path is not available during probe execution, then the probe will create it under the user's home directory
`-- rciam_probes.log
Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, for details see LICENSE