Integration of Sumup Payment Gateway using PHP.
- Sumup Payment gateway integration
- Creating the Checkout authentication token
- Completing the Checkout page
- Eaisly Configurable your credentials
###How to Intregrate Sumup Payment Gateway
You need to generate the sumup credentials that will be used during checkout process. Please follow below steps to generate Sumup credentials :
- Login into sumup official site Sumup Home Page. Click on the login link on Sumup home page and enter your credentials.
- After Login go to Developer area & Generate the merchant OAuth by filling the "Consent screen" form.
- After submission of form , They will provide you option to download the credentials.
- Credential file is a JSON file which contains merchant credentials. File having following informations:
- As you see above that credential file having following informations :
- Client Id
- Client Secret
- Redirect Url
- etc..
Client Id, Client Secret , Redirect Url will be used further for implementing the checkout page.
Set these credentials into "gateway.php" file Change these credential from the file :
const CLIENT_ID = "Client Id"; const CLIENT_SECRET = "Client Secret Key"; const PAYEE_EMAIL = 'merchant email id'; const RETURN_URL = ''; const REDIRECT_URL = ""; const API_TOKEN_URL = ""; const API_AUTHORIZE_URL = ''; const API_CHECKOUT_URL = '';
Change the bill number and amount from the generate_bill.php file.
###How to Intall
By Cloning the git reporitory
- Install by Composer
composer require hariom/sumup-gateway-integration