Find large files fast
While it is at least a useful tool for myself, it is basically a toy project to learn golang.
Usage: fpigs [OPTION]... [STARTDIR]...
-concurrent number
Start this number of concurrent tree walks (values <= 0 get set to 1) (default 20)
-d depth
Recursion depth (negative values mean unlimited) (default -1)
-i regex
Ignore files/directories matching regex (can be used multiple times)
-n number
Print this number of largest files (default 10)
-o Print file names only (e.g., for xargs scripting)
-u unit
Print sizes in specified unit (B, KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, KB, MB, GB, TB) (default GiB)
Print version and exit
$ ./fpigs -u KB -i ".git$"
Press <return> to stop processing
2467.8 KB: fpigs
5.2 KB: main.go
1.4 KB: flags.go
1.0 KB: flags_test.go
0.7 KB:
0.7 KB: Makefile
7 largest files: 2512.0 KB / 2512.0 KB total
Filters are applied when:
- A directory is traversed (This allows cutting of ".git$")
- A file is inserted in the current list of the N largest files.
Pre-built binaries are provided here. Please note that these binaries are automatically built by Travis-CI. Your decision if you trust them.
docker pull rck81/fpigs
docker run -v $HOME:/fpigs -w /fpigs -it --rm rck81/fpigs