
CLI to avoid remembering the http status codes

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


hssp for Http StatuS where the two capitals S replace the two ts of http.


This CLI is here to help you find/remember the meaning of an http status code.

Historically speaking, this tool was written after struggling with my memory to find the meaning of a code. Some tools already exist but installing Node.js is too much for me...


From source

To install hssp, first you need to install the dependencies:

  • Arch Linux
pacman -S go make

Then, run:

make build
make install

Quick start


$ hssp code --help
This command displays the given http code description 
with its corresponding class and its RFC.

  hssp code [flags]

  -h, --help   help for code

Meaning of 204

$ hssp code 204
| CODE |    CLASS    | DESCRIPTION |   RFC   |
|  204 | Successfull | No Content  | RFC2616 |


$ hssp class --help
This command displays the list of http status codes corresponding
to the given class number (1,2,3,4,5).

  hssp class [flags]

  -h, --help   help for class

List of status codes for the Successfull class

$ hssp class 2
| CODE |    CLASS    |          DESCRIPTION          |   RFC   |
|  200 | Successfull | OK                            | RFC2616 |
|  201 | Successfull | Created                       | RFC2616 |
|  202 | Successfull | Accepted                      | RFC2616 |
|  203 | Successfull | Non-Authoritative Information | RFC2616 |
|  204 | Successfull | No Content                    | RFC2616 |
|  205 | Successfull | Reset Content                 | RFC2616 |
|  206 | Successfull | Partial Content               | RFC2616 |
|  207 | Successfull | Multi-Status                  | RFC4918 |
|  208 | Successfull | Already Reported              | RFC5842 |
|  226 | Successfull | IM Used                       | RFC3229 |


No other words than "Welcome guys" :)