
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

README for Frame-Pixels Web App


The Frame-Pixels Web App is a dynamic, interactive web application designed using Next.js that allows users to navigate through different pages, interact with various UI elements, and perform actions such as moving coordinates and painting pixels. This application utilizes the @farcaster/hub-nodejs library to integrate with Farcaster's decentralized social networking protocol, offering a unique blend of web functionality with decentralized features.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js (version 12.x or later)
  • npm (version 6.x or later)


To set up the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone <repository-url>
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd frame-pixels-web-app
  1. Install the necessary dependencies:
npm install
  1. Create a .env.local file in the root of your project and add the following environment variables:
HUB_URL=nemes.farcaster.xyz:2283 # The URL to the Farcaster Hub
BASE_URL=https://frame-pixels-6dnm.vercel.app # The base URL of your application

Running the Application

To run the application in development mode, use the following command:

npm run dev

Navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view the application in your browser.


The Frame-Pixels Web App includes the following features:

  • Dynamic UI Navigation: Navigate through different UI pages such as home, coordinates, and paint pages.
  • Interactive Elements: Interact with buttons to move coordinates, select colors, and paint pixels.
  • Decentralized Integration: Utilize Farcaster's decentralized protocol for unique web interactions.

API Reference

POST /api/frame

Handles POST requests to dynamically render UI based on user interactions.

Request Body:

  • untrustedData: Contains the fid (frame ID) and buttonIndex indicating which button was pressed.


  • A dynamic HTML response with updated UI elements based on the request.

setup() Function Documentation


The setup() function initializes the user interface for a dynamic web application, creating a structured navigation system through various pages, each with specific functionality and interactive elements. This setup is crucial for managing the application's user flow and ensuring a cohesive interaction experience.


  • Initializes the FrameUI object.
  • Configures navigation through the creation of FramePage objects for each distinct page (start, home, coords, paint).
  • Adds interactive FrameButton and specialized buttons (RouteButton, ColorPickerButton) to pages for navigation and functionality.
  • Establishes connections between pages and actions, defining the application's navigational logic and interactive capabilities.

Implementation Details

  1. FrameUI Initialization:

    • A new instance of FrameUI is created, serving as the central management system for all UI pages and their routing.
  2. Page Setup:

    • Start Page: A basic entry point where users begin their interaction.
      • A RouteButton is added to navigate from the start page to the home page.
    • Home Page: Serves as the central hub, directing to different functionalities.
      • Includes RouteButtons for navigation to the coords and paint pages.
    • Coords Page: Allows users to adjust their coordinates within the application.
      • Utilizes FrameButtons for directional movement and checks boundaries to prevent out-of-bounds errors.
    • Paint Page: Provides users with color selection and painting capabilities.
      • Integrates ColorPickerButtons for color selection and a FrameButton for applying the selected color to the canvas.
  3. Interactive Elements:

    • Buttons are added to pages with specific callbacks for interactions, such as moving the user's position or changing colors.
    • RouteButtons are used for page navigation, changing the current page within the FrameUI.
    • ColorPickerButtons extend FrameButton functionality, allowing users to select colors for application within the app's functionality.
  4. Return Value:

    • The fully initialized FrameUI instance is returned, ready for use in managing the application's user interface and interactions.


To utilize the setup() function within the application:

  • Call setup() during the initial loading phase of your application to prepare the user interface.
  • The returned FrameUI instance should be integrated with the application's main event loop or interaction handler to respond to user actions and navigate between different pages based on interactions.


Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


MIT - See the LICENSE file for details.

This README provides a basic overview of the Frame-Pixels Web App's setup, features, and contribution guidelines. Adjustments may be necessary to fit the exact requirements of your project or environment.