Charalampakis, A.E. and Papanikolaou, V.K. (2021) “Machine learning design of R/C columns”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 226, 111412.
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VBA/Excel (MLDF.xlsm)
Excel file contains an interactive spreadsheet for all functions.
Circular solid section
w_CS(cd, n, m)
As_CS(d, c, fcd, N, M)
c/d cover over diameter (0.01 to 0.15)
n normalized axial (-0.6 to +0.1)
m normalized moment
w mechanical reinforcement ratio
d diameter
c cover
fcd concrete strength
N axial
M moment
As reinforcement area
Circular hollow section
w_CH(td, n, m)
As_CH(d, t, fcd, N, M)
t/d thickness over diameter (0.05 to 0.20)
n normalized axial (-0.6 to +0.1)
m normalized moment
w mechanical reinforcement ratio
d diameter
c thickness
fcd concrete strength
N axial
M moment
As reinforcement area
Rectangular solid section with equal reinforcement at each side
w_RSe(bh, cb, n, mx, my)
As_RSe(b, h, c, fcd, N, Mx, My)
b/h width over height (1.0 to 2.0)
c/b cover over width (0.01 to 0.15)
n normalized axial (-0.6 to +0.1)
mx normalized moment
my normalized moment
w mechanical reinforcement ratio
b width
h height
c cover
fcd concrete strength
N axial
Mx moment
My moment
As reinforcement area
Rectangular solid section with distributed reinforcement at each side
w_RSd(bh, ch, n, mx, my)
As_RSd(b, h, c, fcd, N, Mx, My)
b/h width over height (1.0 to 6.0)
c/h cover over height (0.01 to 0.15)
n normalized axial (-0.6 to +0.1)
mx normalized moment
my normalized moment
w mechanical reinforcement ratio
b width
h height
c cover
fcd concrete strength
N axial
Mx moment
My moment
As reinforcement area
Rectangular hollow section with equal reinforcement at each side
w_RHe(bh, tb, n, mx, my)
As_RHe(b, h, t, fcd, N, Mx, My)
b/h width over height (1.0 to 2.0)
t/b thickness over width (0.05 to 0.20)
n normalized axial (-0.6 to +0.1)
mx normalized moment
my normalized moment
w mechanical reinforcement ratio
b width
h height
t thickness
fcd concrete strength
N axial
Mx moment
My moment
As reinforcement area
Rectangular hollow section with distributed reinforcement at each side
w_RHd(bh, tb, n, mx, my)
As_RHd(b, h, t, fcd, N, Mx, My)
b/h width over height (1.0 to 6.0)
t/h thickness over height (0.05 to 0.20)
n normalized axial (-0.6 to +0.1)
mx normalized moment
my normalized moment
w mechanical reinforcement ratio
b width
h height
t thickness
fcd concrete strength
N axial
Mx moment
My moment
As reinforcement area
Tee section
w_T(beffbw, hfd, m)
x_T(beffbw, hfd, m)
As_T(beff, bw, h, hf, c, fcd, M, Optional N)
beff/bw flange width over web width (1.0 to 10.0)
hf/d slab thickness over effective height (0.05 to 0.25)
m normalized moment
w mechanical reinforcement ratio
x normalized compression flange height
beff flange width
bw web width
h height
hf flange height
c cover
fcd concrete strength
M moment
N axial
As reinforcement area
Rectangular section
As_R(b, h, c, fcd, M, Optional N)
m normalized moment
w mechanical reinforcement ratio
x normalized compression flange height
b flange width
h web width
c cover
fcd concrete strength
M moment
N axial
As reinforcement area