
Final Project for Data Science course

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Detecting Novel Topics Related to Twitter News Events

Preprocess Wiki Page Titles

  1. Download most recent Wiki Page Title Dump: https://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/enwiki-latest-all-titles-in-ns0.gz
  2. Preprocess titles python ./api/wiki_titles_preprocess.py

Setup Server:

  1. Install Python dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Create a new project in the Twitter Developer portal: https://developer.twitter.com/en/portal/dashboard
  3. Rename .env.example to .env and add the Twitter API bearer token
  4. Run server: cd api && uvicorn main:app

Setup Chrome extension:

  1. Install NPM dependencies cd client && npm i
  2. Load the client directory using the 'Load unpacked' button in the Chrome browser: chrome://extensions/
  3. Navigate to any given website and test the extension

Behold results:

Alt Text