
Experimental 8086 emulator to learn the Go programming language.

Primary LanguageGo


Experimental 8086 emulator to learn the Go programming language.


Run the emulator using the go run command.

Here's an example:

go run cmd/go86/go86.go -alsologtostderr run [path to 8086 executable]

Using the debugger

go86 offers two types of debuggers:

  • The lame debugger - this is a text based socket protocol designed for interactive human use. It's available on port 2159 by default.

  • GDB remote serial protocol debugger - This will implement the GDB remote serial protocol over a socket. You may connect with the following:

    set debug remote 1
    target remote [host]:2159

    For more information see: https://sourceware.org/gdb/current/onlinedocs/gdb/Connecting.html