
Tools for COCORO API (SHARP products)

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


PyPI version COCORO test

Tools for COCORO API (SHARP products).

Install and Usage

Using pip

$ pip install cocoro

Using source code

Use poetry to setup the environment.

$ pip install poetry
$ git clone https://github.com/rcmdnk/cocoro.git
$ cd cocoro
$ poetry install


API commands were taken for Sharp, KI-JS50 (humidifying air purifier, KI-JS50 加湿空気清浄機/空気清浄機:シャープ).

It may work for other (humidifying) air purifiers.


You need to get appSecret and terminalAppIdKey to control appliances.

To get them, you can use mitmproxy.

By using mitmproxy, you will see following POST command while you are controlling COCORO in your smart phone:

POST https://hms.cloudlabs.sharp.co.jp/hems/pfApi/ta/setting/login/?appSecret=XXXXXXXXX…
       ← 200 application/json 38b 308ms

Open this command and you will see following in `Request tab:


2021-02-21 21:55:40 POST https://hms.cloudlabs.sharp.co.jp/hems/pfApi/ta/setting/login/?app
                         ← 200 OK application/json 38b 308ms
            Request                         Response                        Detail
Host:             hms.cloudlabs.sharp.co.jp
Content-Type:     application/json; charset=utf-8
Connection:       keep-alive
Accept:           */*
User-Agent:       smartlink_v200i Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_4 like Mac OS X)
                  AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148
Content-Length:   110
Accept-Language:  ja-jp
Accept-Encoding:  gzip, deflate, br
JSON                                                                                  [m:auto]

Find appSecret and terminalAppIdKey values from above details.

Then, make following configuration file as ~/.config/cocoro/config.yml:

appSecret: <*************appSecret**********************>
terminalAppIdKey: <************terminalAppIdKey*************>


If you installed cocoro by pip, do:

$ cocoro <cmd> [options]

If you installed from source code, go to cocoro directory, then do:

$ poetry run cocoro <cmd> [options]

Available commands (<cmd>) are:

  • switch <target>: Control switch. Available targets: on, off.
  • humidification <target>: Control humidification. Available targets: on, off.
  • humi <target> : Alias of humidification.
  • mode <target> : Control mode. Available targets: auto, sleep, pollen, quiet, medium, high, recommendation, effective
  • info [key] : Show the appliance information. The available keys are: full(full echonetData), labelData, maker, model, deviceType, name, place, yomi, zipCd If no key is give, labelData is shown.
  • version: Show version.
  • help: Show help.

Other options:

  • --config_file <file>: Set configuration file. Default file path is ~/.config/cocoro/config.yml.
  • --appSecret <appSecret>: Set appSecret (overwrite the value of config_file).
  • --terminalAppIdKey <terminalAppIdKey>: Set terminalAppIdKey (overwrite the value of config_file).
  • --name <name>: Set name of the device. If no name is given, the first device is used.
  • --log_level <level>: Set log level. The available levels are: debug, info, warning fatal.


$ cocoro switch on
[INFO][Cocoro] Succeeded to control js50: switch on
$ cocoro humi off
[INFO][Cocoro] Succeeded to control js50: humidification off
$ cocoro mode auto
[INFO][Cocoro] Succeeded to control js50: mode auto

$ cocoro info
[INFO][Cocoro] Device information
{'id': 123456, 'place': 'リビング', 'name': 'my js50', 'deviceType': 'AIR_CLEANER', 'zipCd': '7890123', 'yomi': '', 'lSubInfo': '{"room_data":{"size": 10.0, "struct": "prefab", "unit": "tatami"}}'}
$ cocoro info model --log_level=warning
$ cocoro info maker --log_level=warning