
AWS CLI Wrapper

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


AWS CLI Wrapper for EC2 management.



Use Homebrew:

$ brew install rcmdnk/rcmdnkpac/ec2

If you have not installed awscli by Homebrew, it is also installed.

Or put bin/ec2 and bin/ec2_submit anywhere in the PATH. (In this case, you need to install awscli by yourself.)



Usage: ec2 [-i <instance_id>] [-f <name_filter>] [-g <gpu_filter>] [-p <cpu_filter>] [-P <private_ip>] [-T <template_id>] [-N <no_template>] [-c <cli_input_json> ] [-C <cli_input_json_directory>] [-t <instance_type>] [-n <n_cpu_core>] [-H <n_thread>] [-S <spot_instance>] [-R <retry_non_spot>] [-I <image_name>] [-j <image_name_filter>] [-k <ssh_key>] [-u <ssh_user>] [-m <mosh_server>] [-U <user_data>] [-r <running_only>] [-M <max_jobs>] [-s <selection_tool>] [-a <aws_profile>] [-d <all>] [-d <dry_run>] [-v <verbose>] [-h] <subcommand> [options]

commands delete_job help images instances jobs launch list ls mosh new_image new_template price pricing rm rm_image scp ssh start stop submit templates terminate types


  • Instance management:
    • instances: List up instances.
    • list: Alias of instances.
    • ls: Alias of instances.
    • start: Start instances.
    • stop: Stop instances.
    • launch: Launch a new instance.
      • If spot_isntance is 1, a persistent type spot instance is launched to allow start/stop it.
    • terminate: Terminate instances.
      • If the instance's lifecycle is spot, the spot instance request is also canceled.
    • rm: Alias of terminate.
  • Connection helper:
    • ssh [commands]: Connect to an instance with mosh.
    • mosh: Connect to an instance with mosh.
    • scp : Send a file to an intance.
    • submit : Launch an instance, send a file to the instance, execute a file in the instance, terminate the instance.
    • jobs: Show jobs.
    • delete_job: delete submitted job.
  • Image (AMI) managemen:t
    • images: List up images (AMI).
    • new_image: Create a new image from an instance.
    • rm_image: Deregister AMI and delete the associated snapshot.
  • Template management:
    • templates: List up launch templates.
    • new_template: Create a new template version from an existing template with a new AMI.
  • Others:
    • types: Show instance types.
    • pricing: Show a price of the instance type.
    • price: Alias of pricing.
    • help: Show help.

AWS CLI Profile

If you want to use a profile other than the default, set:

export AWS_PROFILE=xxx

before using ec2.


Use ~/.config/ec2/config.

Parameters can be set like:


# can be used to comment out the line.

Available parameters are:

  • instance_id: Assign instance id to be managed.
  • name_filter: Only instances which include this value is listed.
  • gpu_filter: Filter to pick up instance type by GPU.
  • cpu_filter: Filter to pick up instance type by CPU.
  • private_ip: Set 1 to use private IP addresses instead of public IP addresses.
  • template_id: Launch template id.
  • no_template: Set 1 not to use launch template.
  • cli_input_json: A json file which has parameters to launch an instance.
  • cli_input_json_directory: A directory which has json files. If cli_input_json is not assigned and cli_input_json_directory is set, files are searched and it enters the selection mode.
  • instance_type: Instance type for launch command.
    • If select is passed, you can choose the type from the list.
  • n_cpu_core: Set number of CPU core of instance to set other than default number.
  • n_thread: Set 1 to disable hyper-threading.
  • spot_instance: Set 1 to launch a spot instance.
  • retry_non_spot: Set 0 to disable retry to launch a non-spot instance when launching a spot instance failed.
  • image_name: Image name for new_image/rm_image command.
  • image_name_filter: Filter to pick up images (AMI).
  • ssh_key: Key for ssh.
  • ssh_user: User for ssh.
  • mosh_server: Mosh server path.
  • user_data: user data file for luanch (run-instances), e.g: file:///path/to/your/user/data/script
  • running_only: Show only running instances at ssh/mosh.
  • max_jobs: Maximum number of submitted jobs running in parallel.
  • selection_tool: Selection tool list, separated by ,. The default value is sentaku,peco,fzy,fzf.
    • The first one found is used. If nothing, bash's select is used.
    • Tools ref:
  • aws_profile: Profile name for aws cli (if not specified, the default profile is used.)
  • all: Set 1 to ignore filters.
  • dry_run: Set 1 to run as dry run mode (modification commands are not executed.)
  • verbose: Set 1 to run as verbose mode (show executing commands.)

These parameters can be set by arguments, too.


Manage my instances with the prefix "my-instances"

Make ~/.config/ec2/config file as follows:


This will show only instances which include my-instances in the Name.

It uses the key ~/.ssh/my_ssh.pem at ec2 ssh or ec2 mosh, with the user name ec2-user.

Set aws_profile if you want to use other than the default profile.

Launch new instance

$ ec2 -t r3.large launch

Then select the template with the selection too.

If you give -t select, you can choose the instance type from the list.

You can pass the template name by -T <your template>, too.

Create a new template version

First, make a new AMI from an existing instance:

$ ec2 new_image

Then, make new template version:

$ ec2 new_template

During the command, select the template name that you want to update and select a new AMI created above.

If old AMI is not necessary, remove it:

$ ec2 rm_image

This command also removes the associated snapshot.

Note: new_image create a new version of the template. If you do not have any templates, make it with the Web interface or aws cli command directly.



Install pre-commit by pip:

$ pip3 install pre-commit

or by Homebrew

$ brew install pre-commit

Install pre-commit environment:

$ pre-commit install

Then, automatically checked at git commit or run checks manually:

$ pre-commit run -a