
Postscript tag for Octopress.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Octopress plugin for the tag of a postscript.

⚠️ I tested only with Kramdown 0.14.2. With other parsers, such code syntax (backtick/codeblock) could not work correctly.

Installation at Octopress

  1. Copy plugins/postscript.rb to your plugins directory.

  2. Install SCSS.

    C copy sass/plugins/_postscript.scss to your sass/plugins/ directory.

    If you have old octopress (if your sass/screen.scss doesn't have @import "plugins/**/*";), you may need to add

    @import "postscript"

    to sass/plugins/_plugins.scss.



Use ps or postscript block for the postscript.

This is an original content.
{% ps %}
This is a postscript.
{% endps %}

This will be like:

This is an original content.

- - -
This is a postscipt.
- - -

If you want to add date, add an argument

{% ps 2013/01/01 %}...{% endps %}


This is an original content.

- - -
P.S.: 2013/01/01
This is a postscipt.
- - -


You can change the title "P.S." by setting ps_title variable in _config.yml like:

ps_title: ps

This will change P.S. to ps.

Another option is closing comment.

ps_close: end of postscript.

will show end of postscripts. at the end of your postscript.

Postscripts will be in div of class="postscript", so that you can change the style for the postscript.

The original style just add $img-border before and after the postscript. See sass/plugins/_postscript.scss.

Automatic assign of "date_updated" value


To use this option, you need to install rcmdnk/date-format/octopress-date-format.rb in your plugins directory.


In a YAML block of each post, you can define date_updated (or updated) in addition to date.

Octopress provides date-format with which you can use such page.date_html value, which is replaced date information like:

<time class="entry-date" datetime="2015-06-19T12:00:00+00:00"><span class="date">19 Jun 2015</span></time>

There is also a tag page.date_updated_html for an updated date. In addition, there are tag with time information like page.date_time_updated_html.

By using octopress-postscript, these page.date_updated_html and page.date_time_updated_html are updated automatically when the tag is rendered.

To use automatic assignment, give a date to ps tag, like {% ps 2015/06/19 %}.

But such format like {{page.date_updated_html}} is rendered before tags.

Instead, octopress-postscript provides tags: {% datehtml %} and {% updatedhtml %}, which are corresponding to {{page.date_updated_html}} and {{page.date_updated_html}}, respectively.

They give

<span class="date"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2015-06-19T12:00:00+00:00"><span class="date">19 Jun 2015</span></time></span>

These tags are rendered in order in the page.

Therefore, {% updatedhtml %} after {% ps %} tag has newer date, so that you can use it in a footer region, but can't use in a header region.

If the page has multi ps tags, the latest date is stored.

If you want to add anything before the date information, give words like:

{% updatedhtml Updated: %}

Then, it gives:

<span class="date">Updated: <time class="entry-date" datetime="2015-06-19T12:00:00+00:00"><span class="date">19 Jun 2015</span></time></span>