
ChatGPT reads Octopress

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Text ChatGPT Connector

The Text ChatGPT Connector is a simple script for connecting text files and ChatGPT.

Forked from scrapbox_chatgpt_connector.

Ref: https://scrapbox.io/villagepump/Scrapbox_ChatGPT_Connector

How to install

Install by pip:

$ pip install text_chatgpt_connector

Or you can use repository directly. Install Poetry and run

$ poetry install
$ poetry run tcc ...

You can run `tcc directly if you enter the poetry virtual environment:

$ poetry shell

How to use

Make index

To make index, run:

$ tcc index -i <input_dir>

input_dir is the directory which has text files (with suffix of .txt, .md or .markdown by default).

This will create pickle file named index.pickle. If you want to change the name, set -o <output_file>.

If you run with different input_dir for the same output_file, the index is appended to the previous one.

Ask question

To ask a question, run:

$ tcc ask -q  "もっとも大事な問いとは何だろう?"

If you want compare the answer without index, run with -n (--no_index) option:

$ tcc ask -n -q  "もっとも大事な問いとは何だろう?"


usage: tcc [-h] [-i INPUT_DIR] [-s INPUT_SUFFIX] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-k KEY] [-c CHARACTER_ENCODING] [--chat_model CHAT_MODEL]
           [--encoding ENCODING] [--embedding EMBEDDING] [--remain_url] [--keep_spaces] [--block_size BLOCK_SIZE]
           [--embed_max_size EMBED_MAX_SIZE] [--max_prompt_size MAX_PROMPT_SIZE] [--return_size RETURN_SIZE] [--prompt PROMPT]
           [--bare_prompt BARE_PROMPT] [-q QUESTION] [-n] [-v]

positional arguments:
  command               Command (index or ask)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT_DIR, --input_dir INPUT_DIR
                        Input directory
  -s INPUT_SUFFIX, --input_suffix INPUT_SUFFIX
                        Comma separated suffixes of input files, "txt,md,markdown"
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file OUTPUT_FILE
                        Output file (pickle), default: "index.pickle"
  -k KEY, --key KEY     OpenAI API key. If not given, try to get from environment variable: OPENAI_API_KEY.
                        Character encoding for input file, default: "utf-8"
  --chat_model CHAT_MODEL
                        Chat model name, default: "gpt-3.5-turbo"
  --encoding ENCODING   Encoding name for tiktoken, default: "cl100k_base"
  --embedding EMBEDDING
                        Embedding model name, default: "text-embedding-ada-002"
  --remain_url          Keep URL in the text
  --keep_spaces         Keep spaces in the text
  --block_size BLOCK_SIZE
                        Block size for embedding, default: 500
  --embed_max_size EMBED_MAX_SIZE
                        Max size for embedding, default: 8150
  --max_prompt_size MAX_PROMPT_SIZE
                        Max size for prompt, default: 4096
  --return_size RETURN_SIZE
                        Return size, default: 250
  --prompt PROMPT       Prompt template, default: "Read the following text and answer the question. Your reply should be shorter
                        than 250 characters. ## Text {text} ## Question {question}"
  --bare_prompt BARE_PROMPT
                        Prompt template without index, default: "Read the following text and answer the question. Your reply
                        should be shorter than 250 characters. ## Text {text} ## Question {question}"
  -q QUESTION, --question QUESTION
                        Question words for ask, default: "What is the most important question?"
  -n, --no_index        Ask the question directly
  -v, --version         Show version