
GCP Parse Settings/Inputs File

SpencerTWilliams opened this issue · 1 comments

GCP Parse Settings/Inputs File

Committed 70359d7 which should account for all the necessary inputs in testVerticalGRFCost.m between getInputs() and prepareInputs(). I also copied the steps to create the foot model into prepareInputs(), so the optimization should have everything it needs. I don't currently have input files that go together I can test the whole process with, though.

I commented out these lines in prepareInputs():

% inputs.rightKinematicCurveCoefficients = []; % 25 x 7 matrix
% inputs.leftKinematicCurveCoefficients = []; % 25 x 7 matrix
% inputs.rightFootVerticalPosition = []; % 1 val
% inputs.leftFootVerticalPosition = []; % 1 val

I assumed that these inputs have been replaced by B splines and the foot position tracked for only one side now, but let me know if we need these for anything.

I also noticed that some functions like makeFootKinematics() assume that there is only one motion file, but I made getInputs() to be able to load data from multiple trials. Should I switch to only one trial for everything? I currently set makeFootKinematics() to look at only the first motion file, so other trials are ignored.