
Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Fuzzy functions for the fish shell.


Install as a fisherman plugin

fisher rcoedo/fuzzy-fish

The plugin expects you to have an alias __fuzzy_find, which should be an interactive filtering tool like fzf or peco.


function Description Example
__fuzzy_brew <search string> Searches the homebrew repository for something to install. __fuzzy_brew fzf
__fuzzy_cask <search string> Searches the cask repository for something to install. __fuzzy_cask chrome
__fuzzy_cd cd into the directories in pwd and the ones in $CDPATH. __fuzzy_cd
__fuzzy_file Searches filenames recursively. __fuzzy_file
__fuzzy_history Searches the command history. __fuzzy_history
__fuzzy_kill Searches a process to kill. __fuzzy_kill
__fuzzy_ps Searches a pid to insert in the current line. __fuzzy_ps
__fuzzy_rcd cd into the directories pwd, recursive version of icd. __fuzzy_cd
__fuzzy_ghq cd into ghq repositories. __fuzzy_ghq
__fuzzy_git_branch checkout git branches. __fuzzy_git_branch
__fuzzy_lsof searches open ports __fuzzy_lsof