PandaCSS Monorepo - HMR config recipe bug

The repo has three packages:

  • packages/design-system-react: A component library & design system. It contains the recipes, exports a preset and a button component. This package also contains .stories.tsx files that are loaded by the workshop application.
  • apps/front: A Vite frontend application. It renders the button from @mono/design-system-react.
  • apps/workshop: A storybook application that picks the stories from the component library.


  1. Run pnpm install :)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install the dependencies
  2. Run pnpm dev to start the front and workshop applications.
  3. Open workshop and front in your browser.
  4. Notice that the Edgy story is missing its styles.
  5. Edit packages/design-system-react/src/button/button.stories.ts, comment out the Edgy args story, uncomment the Edgy render story.
  6. Restart the servers.
  7. Notice that Edgy is now correctly styled.