
Simple app using NodeJS ExpressJS Mongoose and MongoDB

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple CRUD application using NodeJS, ExpressJS, Mongoose, and MongoDB.

Templating engine = Jade.

After getting the code and putting it in a project folder ...

  1. INSTALL NODE.JS - http://nodejs.org/
  2. INSTALL EXPRESS - cmd 'npm install -g express'.
  3. INSTALL DEPENDENCIES - cmd to where this project lives and run ... 'npm install'.

Get MongoDB and start it up.

  1. INSTALL MONGODB - http://mongodb.org/ and place downloaded files at c:\mongo


    a. In your project, create a subdirectory named "data" at the root.

    b. Cmd to C:\mongodb and run 'mongod --dbpath c:[your project dir]\data'. Mongo Server is now running.

    c. Open a second command prompt. Navigate again to your Mongo installation directory (c:\mongo), and run 'mongo'. You have now connected to it.

Should be good to go. Launch the app by opening a third command prompt and run 'grunt'. Nodemon, via grunt, should start your webserver and run the App.js file.

Check out http://localhost:3000/ and see if anything shows up.