
Global utility for sharing assets via Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Global utility for sharing assets via FB, Twitter, and Pinterest. Nice to use when you want to share FB content NOT defined via Open Graph meta data.

Note: Facebook needs and APP Id passed in. Due to changes in the FaceBook API, you can no longer pass an image to their sharer.php script and have it show up in the user’s feed.

To obtain a FaceBook AppID, go to the FB developer page and create an APP for each environment you want to test the FB functionality. https://developers.facebook.com

You will also need to include the JS Facebook SDK in your html. [connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js]

//Elements with the selector you define and pass in will init the share service on click. Facebook Twitter Pinterest
var sharingData = {
    classSelectorFacebook: '.facebook_custom', //class name of facebook btns. can be anything.
    facebookAppId: [Your Facebook AppId], //facebook AppId
    faceBookCallBack: faceBookCallBack, //facebook callback
    classSelectorTwitter: '.twitter_custom', //twitter btns
    classSelectorPinterest: '.pinterest_custom', //twitter btns
    sharePicture: 'http://placehold.it/250x250', //image url to share
    shareTitle: 'Share title',
    shareUrl: 'http://www.zaaz.com', //url to share
    captionFacebook: 'Facebook caption',
    descFacebook: 'Facebook desc',
    descTwitter: 'Twitter desc',
    descPinterest: 'Pinterest desc'


API for sharing dynamic content not defined via the initialize method.

$('.testme').on('click', function() {
        var shareTitle = 'my title',
        captionFacebook: 'Facebook caption',
        fbDesc = 'cool desc',
        shareUrl = 'http://possible.com',
        picture = 'http://placehold.it/350x150',
        facebookAppId = [Your Facebook AppId]; //facebook AppId

    possible.ShareMe.openFacebook(shareTitle, fbDesc, captionFacebook, shareUrl, picture, facebookAppId, faceBookCallBack);

function faceBookCallBack(response){
    alert('response '+ response);