
Ready-to-go local Kubernetes cluster with Istio installed. Meant to be used as a quick-start for other projects.


The following tools are used locally:

  • Docker, required
  • Kind, required
  • Make, optional. If unavailable, commands can be taken from the makefile and run directly.
  • Istioctl, optional. A local Docker image is used for running the necessary commands to install Istio.
  • Kubectl, optional. Not directly needed for creating the resources of this project, but will likely be wanted for interacting with the K8s cluster after creation.

Running Locally

  • make: Creates local K8s cluster, and deploys Istio.
  • make clean: Deletes K8s cluster.
  • make reset: Shorthand for make clean; make. Useful for quickly starting over.

After standing everything up with make, it may take a few minutes for all Istio components to become ready. The make script will wait until all pods are ready.

Once make is finished, the Istio ingress-gateway can be reached at http://localhost:8080.

Services Exposed

Some of the demo profile services that are deployed are exposed through the gateway as well.

  • Kiali
    • Login credentials are admin:admin.


Istio won't fully deploy/start

Make sure your Docker configuration is allocated enough resources. You may need to increase cpu/memory, as detailed here.