
Configuration file library written in LabVIEW; Drop-in replace for NI's Configuration Library.

Primary LanguageLabVIEWMIT LicenseMIT


Configuration file library written in LabVIEW.

  • Drop-in replacement for NI's Configuration Library.
  • Uses no references, passes data in a public cluster (i.e. anyone can access/modify).
    • NI's library uses a single element queue type cast as strict datalog refnum & private VIs.
  • Supports ';' and '#' comments.
  • Supports '\t' (Tab), '\r' (Carriage Return) & '\n' (Line Feed) escape characters.
key = value
; comment

[My Section]
My Key=3.14; Add a comment here

Gettings Started

Refer to the /Examples/ VIs for usage.

LabVIEW-Config Demo


Run the /Tests/Test All.vi to verify the configuration library functionality.

If successful, the All Passed boolean should be true.