
Tools for accessing and processing raw ephys data, compatible with data in the cloud.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Tools for accessing and processing raw ephys data, compatible with data in the cloud.

PyPI Python version

Coverage CI/CD GitHub issues


conda create -n npc_ephys python>=3.9
conda activate npc_ephys
pip install npc_ephys


wavpack-numcodecs is used to read compressed ephys data from S3 (stored in Zarr format). On Windows, that requires C++ build tools to be installed: if pip install npc_ephys fails you'll likely need to download it from here.


>>> import npc_ephys

# get device timing on sync clock using barcodes:
>>> recording_path = 's3://aind-ephys-data/ecephys_670248_2023-08-03_12-04-15/ecephys_clipped/Record Node 102/experiment1/recording1'
>>> sync_path = 's3://aind-ephys-data/ecephys_670248_2023-08-03_12-04-15/behavior/20230803T120415.h5'
>>> timing_data = next(npc_ephys.get_ephys_timing_on_sync(sync_path, recording_path))
>>> timing_data.device.name, timing_data.sampling_rate, timing_data.start_time
('Neuropix-PXI-100.ProbeA-AP', 30000.070518634246, 20.080209634424037)

# get a dataclass that reads SpikeInterface sorted data from the cloud
# - from a path:
>>> si = npc_ephys.get_spikeinterface_data('s3://codeocean-s3datasetsbucket-1u41qdg42ur9/4797cab2-9ea2-4747-8d15-5ba064837c1c')

# - or from a subject ID + date + session-index-on-date (separators are optional):
>>> si = npc_ephys.get_spikeinterface_data('670248_2023-08-03_0')

>>> si
SpikeInterfaceKS25Data(session='670248_2023-08-03_0', root=S3Path('s3://codeocean-s3datasetsbucket-1u41qdg42ur9/4797cab2-9ea2-4747-8d15-5ba064837c1c'))

# various bits of data are available for use:
>>> si.version
>>> ''.join(si.probes)
>>> si.quality_metrics_df('probeA').columns
Index(['num_spikes', 'firing_rate', 'presence_ratio', 'snr',
        'isi_violations_ratio', 'isi_violations_count', 'rp_contamination',
        'rp_violations', 'sliding_rp_violation', 'amplitude_cutoff',
        'drift_ptp', 'drift_std', 'drift_mad', 'isolation_distance', 'l_ratio',
>>> si.spike_indexes('probeA')
array([      491,       738,       835, ..., 143124925, 143125165, 143125201])
>>> si.unit_indexes('probeA')
array([ 56,  61, 161, ..., 151,  72,  59])


See instructions in https://github.com/AllenInstitute/npc_ephys/CONTRIBUTING.md and the original template: https://github.com/AllenInstitute/copier-pdm-npc/blob/main/README.md