
Tools for accessing and packaging data from behavior and epyhys sessions from the Mindscope Neuropixels team, in the cloud.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


neuropixels cloud sessions

Tools for accessing data and metadata for behavior and epyhys sessions from the Mindscope Neuropixels team - in the cloud.

PyPI Python version

Coverage CI/CD GitHub issues


Make a conda environment with python>=3.9 and simply pip install the npc_sessions package:

conda create -n npc_sessions python>=3.9
conda activate npc_sessions
pip install npc_sessions
>>> from npc_sessions import DynamicRoutingSession, get_sessions;

# each object is used to get metadata and paths for a session:         
>>> session = DynamicRoutingSession('668755_2023-08-31')  
>>> session.is_ephys                                
>>> session.stim_paths[0].stem                      
# data is processed on-demand to generate individual pynwb modules:
>>> session.subject                                 # doctest: +SKIP
  subject pynwb.file.Subject at 0x1999418231888
    age: P205D
    age__reference: birth
    date_of_birth: 2023-02-06 20:23:02-08:00
    genotype: wt/wt
    sex: M
    species: Mus musculus
    strain: C57BL6J(NP)
    subject_id: 668755

# a full NWBFile instance can also be generated with all currently-available data:
>>> session.nwb                                     # doctest: +SKIP
root pynwb.file.NWBFile at 0x...
  acquisition: {
    lick spout <class 'ndx_events.events.Events'>
  devices: {
    18005102491 <class 'pynwb.device.Device'>,
    18005114452 <class 'pynwb.device.Device'>,
    18005123131 <class 'pynwb.device.Device'>,
    18194810652 <class 'pynwb.device.Device'>,
    19192719021 <class 'pynwb.device.Device'>,
    19192719061 <class 'pynwb.device.Device'>

# loop over all currently-tracked sessions using the session-generator:
>>> all(s.session_start_time.year >= 2022 for s in get_sessions()) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> trials_dfs = {}
>>> for session in get_sessions():                  # doctest: +SKIP
...     trials_dfs[session.id] = session.trials[:]

to develop with conda

To install with the intention of contributing to this package:

  1. create a conda environment:
conda create -n npc_sessions python>=3.9
conda activate npc_sessions
  1. clone npc_sessions from github:
git clone git@github.com:AllenInstitute/npc_sessions.git
  1. pip install all dependencies:
cd npc_sessions
pip install -e .

Hierarchy of required packages


Current NWB components

key data types

  • DynamicTable: for general tabular data. Cells can contain arrays (e.g. spike_times in a table of units)

    • can be accessed as a pandas dataframe
  • TimeIntervals: subclass of DynamicTable which always has a start_time and stop_time column, plus other user-defined columns

  • TimeSeries: has a vector array of data, a units string, and either:

    • timestamps (same length as data)
    • or starting_time and rate
  • ElectricalSeries: subclass of TimeSeries with units fixed as volts

  • Events: (added via an NWB extension) like TimeSeries with timestamps only, without values for data (think lick times)

all of the above also have a description, as well as other type-specific attributes

  • session metadata (multiple attributes)

  • subject (multiple attributes)

  • devices: DynamicTable

    • physical probes (model, serial number)
    • currently only neuropixels probes
  • electrode_groups: DynamicTable

    • represents the group of channels on one probe inserted in the brain
    • has session-specific info, like position relative to other probes or stereotactic coords
  • electrodes: DynamicTable

    • individual channels on a probe
    • has CCF coords
  • units: DynamicTable

    • metrics, links to electrodes via peak_channel
  • epochs: TimeIntervals

    • start/stop time of each stim block
    • has a list of tags (includes TaskControl subclass name)
  • intervals: Mapping[str, TimeIntervals]

    • 1x table per stim epoch with trials
    • behavior performance table (each block an interval)
  • trials: TimeIntervals

    • same as intervals[DynamicRouting1]
  • invalid_times: TimeIntervals

  • acquisition: Mapping[str, Any] raw data

    • if is_ephys:
      • raw AP: Mapping[str, ElectricalSeries]
      • raw LFP: Mapping[str, ElectricalSeries]
    • if is_sync:
      • lick_sensor_rising_edges: Events
      • lick_sensor_falling_edges: Events
    • if is_task:
      • rewards: Events
    • if is_video:
      • video frame times: 1x Events per camera
  • processing: Mapping[str, Any] processed/filtered data

    • behavior: Mapping[str, Any]
      • licks: Events
        • from sync or stim file
      • running_speed: TimeSeries
        • from stim file, enhanced with sync info if available
    • ecephys: Mapping[str, Any]
  • analysis: Mapping[str, Any] derived data, results

    • if is_ephys:
      • all_spike_histograms: 1x TimeSeries per probe
      • drift_maps: ImageSeries
    • if is_task:
      • performance: TimeIntervals


  • video feature extraction: pupil size, gaze tracking
  • video processing: facemap
  • filtered LFP
  • stimulus templates (vis, aud, opto)
  • OptogeneticStimulusSite
  • analysis -> RFMaps
  • per-unit response metric for each stim modality