In this exercise we're just going to go over the basics of git.
(N.B: it is good practice for the commit messages to be written in the form of tasks (ex: add file to folder) so that it is easier to understand each commit's intended purpose by all the other people working with the same repository)
In order to start working on the repository, we must first initialize our working directory and clone our repository inside of it:
- Create your working directory
- Using git and github clone the repository inside of the newly created working directory
- Run gitruler to initialize the exercise
- Create 2 .txt files, file4 and file5, in the files folder and commit them with the message "add file4 and file5"
- Create 1 .txt file, file6, in misc folder and commit that with the message "add file6"
We want to reorganize the workspace by moving some files around and deleting the ones we don't need anymore:
- Using git move file3 from misc to files
- Commit the move with the message "move file3 to files"
- Move file1 and file2 to misc
- Commit this move with message "swap file1 and file2 with file3"
- Remove file7 from files and commit with the message "remove file7"