
Send emails with SwiftMailer using Postmark as the transport

Primary LanguagePHP

SwiftMailer Postmark transport

Send emails with SwiftMailer using Postmark as the transport.

Original author: Øystein Riiser Gundersen oysteinrg@gmail.com

Forked to github by: Rob Crowe hello@vivalacrowe.com

Package installation

The Postmark transport is provided as Composer package which can be installed by adding the package to your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "rcrowe\Swift_PostmarkTransport": "0.1.*"


$transport = \rcrowe\Swift\Transport\Postmark::newInstance('POSTMARK_API_KEY');
$mailer    = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);

$message = Swift_Message::newInstance('Subjebt')
                ->setBody('This can be any text from the web app');
