
Verse HTTP server and hooks

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


HTTP Server for the Verse framework


Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:

$ bundle add verse-http

If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:

$ gem install verse-http


Add the plugin to your project in your config.yml file:

# ...
  - name: http

For new project, verse generator should detect the gem once installed via gem command and offer you the possibility to use it.

Example code should be generated during the creation of your new project.

For usage, you have now access to the on_http hook on your expositions.

Simple Example

Here is a simple config.ru example:

# in config.ru

require "verse/core"
require "verse/http"

# a) Initialize Verse:
Verse.start(:server, config_path: "config.yml")

# b) Register your exposition:

class MyExposition < Verse::Exposition::Base
  expose on_http(:get, "example", auth: nil)
  def example
    {output: "hello world!"}


# c) run using rack.
run Verse::Http::Server

Assuming you use Puma webserver:

$ bundle exec puma

Complex Example

Using the generator or checking the sample folder will give you more context on how to use Verse HTTP in a bigger project.

The flow is:

  1. Init verse framework
  2. Load your expositions classes
  3. Register them
  4. Run the server

Add Cookies support

  1. Add the Gem sinatra-contrib in your Gemfile.
  2. Create an initializer file (e.g. config/initializers/cookies.rb) and add:
require "sinatra/cookies"
