
Let's get SAA-C02 certified together!

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AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C02) - Preparation


Since April 2021 I've started to study for my SAA-C02 certification. It should have been a breeze to find quality material that would help me to learn AWS and prepare myself for the certification, right?

Well, not quite :)

I was not happy with the material available (or at least the available material I could get access to :-] )

To remediate that, I've decided to go directly to AWS DOCS for doing my readings, investigate & experiment AWS services and DOCUMENT EVERYTHING during the process. Yeah, it will be a long journey, but I want to share everything I'm learning here and hope it may help others that are looking for thee same content.

Please keep in mind that it is WIP and will change a lot Please keep in mind that I'm updating this document during my free time (mostly during late night and Sundays :)) expect very irregular updates

Mates, your feedback is highly appreciated. Please let me know how are you enjoying this documentation and how it could be improved. Please, reach out ;)

Table of contents

Hope you enjoy!

Ricardo Santana.

Want to connect? Reach me out in LinkedIN