
A simple repo to work with different aspects of Apache Spark and Apache Kafka

Primary LanguagePython


This is an example repo featuring code to show different aspects of Stream Processing using Apache Kafka and Apache Spark. It has few interesting features. e.g.

  • It has various different examples of producer and consumer (Plain Text, JSON, Apache Avro)

  • It follows closely Clean Architecture by Martin Flower, thus making is extremely flexible to be extended and re-used. I can even make a case that one can easily use this as a template to create bigger production level applications.

  • It shows some different use cases of Stream Processing.


To install this repo -

1.> Clone this repo

2.> Create a virtualenv and activate it.

3.> Once the virtualenv is activated run pip install -r requirements.txt

4.> And then run pip install -e .

The above steps will install required libraries to run this project and also a local spark instance. As now we can install pyspark using pip

However to install Kafka and other related confluent softwares the steps are following -

1.> Ensure you have JAVA installed. (check using - java -version. In my case, I had 'openjdk version "1.8.0_151"')

2.> Download the Kafka tgz file from here

3.> Unzip it in a directory.

4.> Open two terminals and input the following commands exactly in that order in each of them (you have to be in the Kafka dir that you just unzipped)

bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties
bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties

5.> Download the latest confluent platform here (Choose the Open Source version)

6.> Unzip it somewhere

7.> Open a new terminal. Navigate to that dir and then run the following command

bin/schema-registry-start etc/schema-registry/schema-registry.properties

After these steps are done you are ready to roll. My usual setup looks like the image following -

Usual Setup

All these steps involving Kafka and other related softwares are going to run the entire setup in your local machine. As a single node setup. You can, however, set them up in a remote server / cluster if you so wish. That practically changes nothing to the code; almost.

To test some producer and consumers

The code in this basic example project is almost self sufficient. If you have followed properly the instructions above then you need not to setup or configure anything else. Assuming that you had indeed followed the process of initial set up and had been successful in doing so here is what you need to do to run a sliding window based producer and consumer.

  • Start two terminals.

  • Activate the virtualenv that you had created and installed all the libraries and this package into

  • from the first one issue this command - ./bin/start_consumer.sh

  • Wait few sec until it goes into consumption.

  • Now, from the second terminal, issue this command - ./bin/start_producer.sh

  • You will see the total number of visited event is getting reported on a sliding window based manner in the consumer terminal while the producer keeps on producing the messages.

  • Additionally, if you want to experiment with other consumer and producers, you can do so. The scripts in the interfaces package uses Python Fire as an entry point to the function they expose with the type of producer and/or consumer and the topic name totally configurable as a command line option. For an example to start a simple text (JSON) based consumer and producer you can issue the following commands in the same order as depicted -

      spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-streaming-kafka-0-8_2.11:2.0.2 tkf/interfaces/consumer.py --consumer_type=simple_spark --topic_name=test2
      python tkf/interfaces/producer.py --producer_type=simple --topic_name=test2


To use this as a template for production grade projects you need to, at least, do the two following things -

  • Implement a centralized anc configurable logging.

  • Implement Configuration management.


The code in this example repo is not doing anything complicated. The primary focus of this repo is to accompany my Medium post about Stream Processing. However, thanks to Clean Architecture, this code can be easily adapted as the template of any production grade project.