Login Form Demo

This repository contains a simple web application written in NodeJS.


The product owner is very happy with the application, but would like some enhancements.

User Story

As a User,
When I login with password which is too short.
Then I should see an alert telling me my password is too short.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Error alert should be visible when the password is too short.
  • This should be a server-side implementation.
  • There should be additional automated test coverage.

Running the application

Open this folder in your terminal app. And run these commands in the terminal. This app was build with v10.16.0.

  1. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  2. Start the app:

    npm start

    You can open this url in your browser to view the app: http://localhost:3000

  3. To run the test:

    npm test
  4. To run the linter:

    npm run jslint
  5. To fix linting issues:

    npm run jsfmt


  • Express - Application framework in NodeJS.
  • Pug - Templating engine for displaying the HTML pages.
  • Mocha - Testing framework.
  • Chai - Test Assertion library.
  • Supertest - Low-level testing library for HTTP services.
  • Bootstrap - CSS framework for building websites.
  • ESLint - Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code.
    • This application uses the StandardJS coding style.


  1. GET /

    This is the home page. The login form is also here.

  2. POST /users

    This is how you login to the app. You will need to login with email and password.

    The default email is demo@example.com and password is demo1234.

  3. GET /users/welcome

    Landing page after you have successfully logged in with the correct credentials.

  4. GET /users/logout

    URL for logging out of the application.