
Repo for "Best Arm Identification with Fixed Budget: A Large Deviation Perspective", NeurIPS 2023

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT

Best Arm Identification with Fixed Budget: A Large Deviation Perspective

This is the official repository for "Best Arm Identification with Fixed Budget: A Large Deviation Perspective", NeurIPS 2023

Package packages

StatsBase, JLD2.jl, IterTools, StatsPlots.jl, CSV, DataFrames


Setting Description
1 one group of suboptimal arms
2 two group of suboptimal arms
3 linear
4 concave
5 convex
6 stair

We fix K∈{10,20,40} for setting_id∈{1,...,5} and K∈{15,21,55} for setting_id=6, while varying the budget T. Each experiment is repeated N=40,000 times and the averaged error probability δ is reported.


See the comments in experiments.jl and viz.jl for more details.

  • Run the experiment: julia -O3 -p8 experiment.jl {setting_id} {M}, where -p8 means to use 8 processors
  • Plot the results: julia -O3 viz.jl {setting_id} {M}


Name Abbrev. Description
Continuous Rejects with aggressive rate CR-A
Continuous Rejects with conservative rate CR-C
Successive Rejects SR (Audibert, et al., COLT'10)
Sequential Halving SH (Karnin, et al., ICML'13)
Uniform Sampling RR