
IRC bot to run ultraworking style cycles

Primary LanguageGo


Quickly jump into focussed work. Set goal and outcomes for the work. Eliminate distractions. Inspired by Work Cycles from Ultraworking.

IRC bot

Bot lives in a channel, like ##megaworking, and runs the time keeping for work cycles.

Work cycles are 30 minutes of focussed work followed by a 10 minute break. This could be configurable.

The bot announces the start of the work time and the end of the work time.

The bot has op status and will voice and devoice users in the channel so talking can only happen during the breaks.

Taking a break from work and chatting is encouraged.

Join ##megaworking on libera: https://web.libera.chat/?channel=##megaworking

UTC Workcycle schedule

interval activity
00:00-00:10 break
00:10-00:40 work
00:40-00:50 break
00:50-01:20 work
01:20-01:30 break
01:30-02:00 work
... ...