
just to compare perf between mojo, nim, java, nodejs, rust and python3 of a same algo

Primary LanguagePython

Here is the simplest|minimal|readable python3 resolver (naive backtracking, recursive):

sqr   = lambda g,x,y: g[y*9+x:y*9+x+3] + g[y*9+x+9:y*9+x+12] + g[y*9+x+18:y*9+x+21]
col   = lambda g,x:   g[x::9]
row   = lambda g,y:   g[y*9:y*9+9]
free  = lambda g,x,y: set("123456789") - set(col(g,x) + row(g,y) + sqr(g,(x//3)*3,(y//3)*3))

def resolv(g):
    if i>=0:
        for elem in free(g,i%9,i//9):
            ng=resolv( g[:i] + elem + g[i+1:] )
            if ng: return ng
        return g

Some grids are available in grids.txt (a grid by line of 81 chars, empty cases are .)

The idea of the repo, is to compare differents languages at "run times". Currently, there a c/mojo/nim/java/js/rust versions. So every version implements the same algorithm, without using specials optimisations provided by the language itself ... and try to resolve the first 100 grids !!!

Context (on my computer)

On my computer (Intel® N100 × 4 / ubuntu 23.10), with versions:

  • gcc : gcc (Ubuntu 13.2.0-4ubuntu3) 13.2.0
  • java : openjdk 22-ea 2024-03-19
  • mojo : mojo 0.4.0 (9e33b013)
  • nim : Nim Compiler Version 1.6.14 [Linux: amd64]
  • node : v18.13.0
  • py311 : Python 3.11.6
  • py37 : Python 3.7.16
  • pypy : Python 3.10.13 (f1607341da97ff5a1e93430b6e8c4af0ad1aa019, Sep 28 2023, 05:41:26)
  • codon : 0.16.3
  • rust : rustc 1.71.1 (eb26296b5 2023-08-03) (built from a source tarball)

Simple version, results

The 1/1 implementations of the py version, in each language (using strings)

sudoku.c (the simple algo, with strings (AI translation from java one))
 - gcc   : 2.52 seconds

sudoku.java (the simple algo, with strings)
 - java  : 18.74 seconds

sudoku.js (the simple algo, with strings (AI translation from java one))
 - node  : 44.99 seconds

sudoku.mojo (the simple algo, with strings)
 - mojo  : 6.65 seconds

sudoku.nim (the simple algo, with strings)
 - nim   : 10.14 seconds

sudoku.py (the simple algo, with strings)
 - pypy  : 18.84 seconds
 - codon : 20.43 seconds
 - py311 : 26.86 seconds
 - py37  : 39.78 seconds

sudoku.rs (the simple algo, with strings (AI translation from java one))
 - rust  : 37.79 seconds

SPECIALIZED versions, results

The same algo, but with specialized types/structures for the language (to speed up things)

sudoku_specialized.mojo (the simple algo, with specialized mojo-types)
 - mojo  : 2.12 seconds

sudoku_specialized.rs (the simple algo, with ultra-specialized types/api)
 - rust  : 0.97 seconds

If you want to tests on your own

You will need, at least, python3 ;-) (it will autodetect compilers/interpreters on your host)

$ git clone https://github.com/manatlan/sudoku_resolver.git
$ cd sudoku_resolver
$ chmod +x make.py
$ ./make.py .
$ ./make.py hstats

(repeat the ./make.py . to get accurate results)

see command line make.py


See results on an optimized algo versions. (a better algo)


See experimentals versions. (just for tests purposes)