
Ansible role to deploy virtual hosts on a hypervisor

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Ansible role to deploy virtual hosts on a hypervisor.


The following hypervisors are currently supported:

  • kvm: QEMU-KVM


The methods clone and bootstrap require a bootstrap command to create guest images. By default the bootstrap command is configured to use bootstrap, which should work out of the box with the role defaults.

Run the followin commands on the hypervisor to install it:

git clone https://github.com/rda0/bootstrap.git /opt/bootstrap
ln -s /opt/bootstrap/bootstrap /usr/local/bin/bootstrap


When including this role, disable facts gathering in the playbook. This is required because the virtual host (inventory_hostname) first needs to be created and/or started:

- hosts: my-host
  gather_facts: no
    - virtual
    - other_roles

This role (virtual) will gather facts just after the virtual host becomes ready, so the facts are available for any following roles.

Bootstrap methods

Set using virtual_bootstrap_method.

  • clone: clone guest from template disk image, preferred method for production
  • bootstrap: same as clone, but bootstraps guest lvs directly (slower)
  • install: install guest using the installer

Boot method options

Set using virtual_boot_method

method clone and bootstrap

  • fs: clone vm from a template disk image root (bootloader: extlinux), preferred method for production
  • host: clone vm from a template disk image root and boots using host boot method (kernel extracted from vm fs)
  • part: clone vm from 2 template disk images boot and root (bootloader: grub)

method install

  • manual: install vm using manual installation via console
  • preseed: install vm using the installer and preseed file


First generate a mac address for the new vm starting with 52:54:00 (kvm), example:


Make sure the mac address is properly configured (DNS, DHCP) in your network.

Role variables

See defaults/main.yml for all variable defaults.

Special variables:

  • virtual_interface_name: the maximum interface name length is limited to 15 characters
  • virtual_cpus_max: if set to a larger value than virtual_cpus, cpu hotplugging will be enabled
  • virtual_memory_max: if set to a larger value than virtual_memory, memory hotplugging will be enabled
  • virtual_memory_hugepages: defaults to True, make sure enough free hugepages are available on the hypervisor
  • virtual_disk_type: defaults to lv, use zvol for zfs volumes or file for file based disk images, extra-disks type must be the same
  • virtual_disk_vg: defaults to vg0, use(s by default) the absolute file image pool path (default: /var/virtual/images) if virtual_disk_type is set to file
  • virtual_disk_bus: defaults to scsi (virtio-scsi), use virtio for virtio-blk
  • virtual_disk_bus_id: automatically set to s (scsi) or v (virtio). note: make sure bootloader is set correctly
  • virtual_disk_file_allocation: fallocate (default) or qemu-img
  • virtual_disk_bs: for zvol only, defaults to 8K, use per disk key bs in virtual_disks for extra disks
  • virtual_file_extension: defaults to '', example .raw, for file based images/templates only
  • virtual_disk_zfs_props: defaults to {}, dict with zfs properties (except volsize, volblocksize, which are overridden), see man zfsprops

Required inventory variables (or override via virtual_ variable):

  • virtual_ssh_host_keys_public: defaults to ssh_host_keys_public
  • virtual_ssh_host_keys_private: defaults to vault_ssh_host_keys_private
  • virtual_root_password_hash: defaults to vault_root_password_hash

The ssh host keys must be pre-defined in the inventory (see above), otherwise set host_key_checking=False.


Edit the playbooks variables virtual_guest_name, virtual_mac and any other variables you would like to change (in this example the additional virtual_disks are removed):

- hosts: my-host
  gather_facts: no
    - virtual_hypervisor_host: my-kvm-hypervisor
    - virtual_hypervisor_type: kvm
    - virtual_bootstrap_method: clone
    - virtual_boot_method: fs
    - virtual_distribution: debian
    - virtual_codename: stretch
    - virtual_template_vg: r10
    - virtual_template_name_prefix: tpl
    - virtual_guest_name: my-host
    - virtual_cpus: 4
    - virtual_memory: 4096
    - virtual_disk_size_root: 10G
    - virtual_disk_vg: r10
    - virtual_bridge: br0
    - virtual_mac: '52:54:00:7a:3b:8f'
    - virtual


  • virtual_template_type: type of the template disk image, lv (default) or file
  • virtual_template_name_prefix: the name prefix for the template filename (lv or file), -<boot_method>-<codename>-<mount_point> will be appended
  • virtual_template_vg: the vg containing the template disk lv
  • virtual_template_path: base-path containing file-based disk image template (default: /var/virtual/images)
  • virtual_guest_name: the guests name (default: inventory_hostname)
  • virtual_disk_size_root: the size of the root lv (min 2G, the default)
  • virtual_disk_size_boot: the size of the boot lv (min 512M, the default)
  • virtual_disk_vg: the volume group where <hostname>-root (and optional <hostname>-boot) LVs will be created
  • virtual_disk_fs: the default filesystem to be used for additional virtual_disks with mount points
  • virtual_disks: optional parameter to create disks for other mount points
  • virtual_guest_name: the geuests name used in libvirt and virsh (example: virsh start <virtual_guest_name>), use the short hostname
  • virtual_cpus: amount of virtual cpus
  • virtual_memory: memory in MB
  • virtual_bridge: the bridge interface to be used
  • virtual_mac: the guests mac address

In this example the whole extra disks virtual_disks key was removed to not create any additional mount points or empty disks.

To create additional disks to be used as mount points, use the virtual_disks dictionary:

- hosts: my-host
  gather_facts: no
    - virtual_hypervisor_host: my-kvm-hypervisor
    - virtual_hypervisor_type: kvm
    - virtual_bootstrap_method: clone
    - virtual_boot_method: fs
    - virtual_distribution: debian
    - virtual_codename: bullseye
    - virtual_template_path: /var/virtual/images
    - virtual_template_type: file
    - virtual_template_name_prefix: tpl
    - virtual_guest_name: my-host
    - virtual_cpus: 2
    - virtual_memory: 2048
    - virtual_disk_size_root: 4G
    - virtual_disk_vg: vg0
    - virtual_disk_fs: ext4
    - virtual_bridge: br0
    - virtual_mac: '52:54:00:7a:3b:8f'
    - virtual_disks:
        - mount: /var
          size: 2G
        - mount: /var/log
          size: 2G
        - mount: /export
          size: 100G
          vg: vg1-data
          options: defaults
        - mount: /scratch
          size: 20G
          vg: vg1-data
          fs: xfs
        - size: 10G
        - mount: /var/data
          size: 4T
          vg: vg1-data
          import: True
    - virtual

The above will create (or import) the following disks and mount points:

/dev/sda /         ext4   4G vg0
/dev/sdb /var      ext4   2G vg0
/dev/sdc /var/log  ext4   2G vg0
/dev/sdd /export   ext4 100G vg1-data
/dev/sde /scratch  xfs   20G vg1-data
/dev/sdf                 10G vg0
/dev/sdg /var/data ext3   4T vg1-data
  • disk.vg: default is virtual_disk_vg
  • disk.fs: default is virtual_disk_fs
  • disk.options: default is virtual_disk_mount_options
  • disk.import: when True import existing disk, disk contents will not be modified (only use leaf mount points)

To import disks from other disk types, override prefix, suffix and vg accordingly, example:

virtual_file_extension: '.raw'
virtual_disk_type: file
virtual_disk_vg: /var/virtual/images
  - mount: /var/lv
    size: 2G
    prefix: /dev/
    vg: vg0
    suffix: ''
    import: True
  - mount: /var/zvol
    size: 2G
    prefix: /dev/
    vg: zp0
    suffix: ''
    import: True

To create additional interfaces use virtual_interfaces:

  - suffix: foo
  - suffix: bar
    mac: '52:54:00:a0:b0:c0'
  - name: full-interface-name
    mac: '52:54:00:a0:b0:c1'
    bridge: br-foobar
  • suffix: will be appended (with -) to the name of the main interface
  • mac: (optional) if omitted a mac will be generated
  • bridge: (optional) defaults to virtual_bridge

Example to use zvols:

virtual_disk_size_root: 10G
virtual_disk_type: zvol
virtual_disk_vg: zp0
virtual_disk_bs: 64K
  compression: 'lz4'
  reservation: 'none'
  refreservation: 'none'
  - mount: /var
    size: 2G
      compression: 'off'
  - mount: /var/log
    size: 2G
    bs: 32K
      compression: 'off'
  • bs: volblocksize, defaults to virtual_disk_bs
  • zfs_props: dict of zfs properties, merged with virtual_disk_zfs_props


virtiofs: Sharing a host directory with a guest

  - target: mount_test
    source: /var/test

In the guest mount it with:

mount -t virtiofs mount_test /mnt