
tmux configuration

Primary LanguageShell

Tmux configuration

Customized, self-contained tmux customization with many unique features

Table of contents


  1. Clone the repository

git clone git@github.com:rda3mon/tmux.git ~/.tmux_runtime

  1. Install tmux

ln -s ~/.tmux_runtime/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf && tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf


1) Duplicate ssh sessions: This will be very useful if you often work on remote machines. With a single keypress, you will be able to login to the same remote machine.


2) Custom pane title: Pane title has a lot of information about the what is going on in that particular pane. More information is available if pane is running a ssh connection to a remote host.

  • Parent Process ID of the pane shell
  • Command that is running
  • Process id of the command
  • CPU, memory and load factor by that process
  • If ssh into a remote box, cpu memory and load factor of the remote instance


3) Copy paste functionality: Copy paste works in 2 modes.

NOTE: Works only if you have xclip installed.

  • Using Vi Mode: This config has vi mode enabled, using short cuts. <prefix> + [ to enter into vi mode and once selection is done, press Enter to copy text into clipboard

  • Using Mouse: In this mode, you can drag using mouse to select any text, at the end of mouse drag release, the selected text will be copied to clipboard


4) Customized shortcuts: Lot of convenient shortcuts were added which are listed below

Key bindings

The power of tmux comes from its configurability and every action can be controlled by key-bindings. Here are the list of keybindings which are configured with this configuration. prefix means ctrl + a pressed together.

  • prefix: ctrl + a. If you are using tmux, you are well aware of prefix.
  • prefix + ?: All of the key-bindings are availble here, you need not visit this page at all.
  • prefix + r: Reload tmux config to pick up the latest one.
  • prefix + C-p: Show copy buffer last 10 items

Session related bindings

  • prefix + $: Rename session
  • prefix + d: Detach the tmux session
  • prefix + s: Show tmux sessions
  • prefix + (: Switch previous session and rotate backwords
  • prefix + ): Switch next session and rotate forwards

Window related bindings

  • prefix + c: Create a new window and switch to it
  • prefix + n: Rotate to next window
  • prefix + p: Rotate to previous window
  • prefix + 0 to 9: To go to specific window
  • prefix + ,: Rename current window

Pane related bindings

  • prefix + ": Split pane vertically
  • prefix + %: Split pane horizontally
  • prefix + !: Move current pane to new window
  • prefix + q: Show pane numbers
  • prefix + x: Kill selected pane
  • prefix + space: To change pane layout
  • prefix + {: To move pane left
  • prefix + }: To move pane right
  • prefix + z: To toggle pane zoom
  • prefix + C-d: Duplicate pane with copy command of what is currently running. Such as ssh into some instance. C-d means you have to press Ctrl + d together.
  • prefix + C-p: Toggle logging of current pane to /tmp/tmux_{pane_pid}.log
  • prefix + C-s: Toggle pane synchronisation. Meaning type on all panes together.

Copy mode related bindings

  • prefix + [: Enter Copy mode. In this mode, you can perform following sub commands
    • ?: Search upwards
    • /: Search downwards
    • v: vi visual mode for text selection
    • y: vi copy text
    • r: vi rectangle copy
    • q: quit copy mode
    • C-u: Page up
    • C-d: Page down
    • Most of the vi navigation key-bindings work here, such as h, j, k, l, n, N, etc

Misc bindings. Following are without prefix

  • Meta + 1 to Meta + 9: For selecting windows from 1 to 9
  • Ctrl + up / down / left / right: For navigating between panes