A way to utilise the HTML <title> in a better way. This small package provides a boiler-plate to add or use pre-existing text effects on web titles; with added callbacks!
Fitle has following standart options:
title: document.title, // predefined title in the document header
interval: 300, // in milliseconds
fx: shiftTitle // default effects that slide text to left
To start using Fitle with standart options, just import the package into your HTML document and initialize Fitle by:
To set the callback every time the title is updates, set the onAction function of Fitle by:
Fitle.onAction = function () {
//do something here
To change the text effects of Fitle, create a new effects method and set it as the current effect of Fitle by:
// This is our new effects method, it requires two parameters:
// a as the default title and b as the current title.
function myNewEffect(a, b) {
. . .
return newTitle;