Project ESP32 FreeRTOS cJSON MQTT Mosquitto
#The project is divided in four tasks:
- vSensorTask: Read the sensor DHT22, create a JSON struct (using cJSON), like below, and send by queue this message JSON to vPublishTask.
{ "ID": "DallaValle_ESP32_LEITURA_SENSOR", "MSG": 295, "TEMP": 24, "UMID": 50 }
- vLedTask: Read the led status, create a JSON struct (using cJSON), like below, and send by queue this message JSON to vPublishTask.
{ "ID": "DallaValle_ESP32_LEITURA_LED", "MSG": 338, "LED_Status": "ON" }
- vSwitchTask: Read the tactil switch status, create a JSON struct (using cJSON), like below, and send by queue this message JSON to vPublishTask.
{ "ID": "DallaValle_ESP32_LEITURA_SWITCH", "MSG": 343, "Switch_Status": "FALSE" }
- vPublishTask: Receive all the queues and publish with MQTT mosquitto the packages (LEITURA_LED , LEITURA SWITCH e LEITURA SENSOR).