Replaces WordPress cron system with the OS cron system uses WP-CLI. WP-CLI must be setup and configured properly to use this script.
Download the file and apply execute permissions
$ curl -O -L
$ chmod +x
Configure the WordPress installations for manual Cron processing by running the script in interactive mode.
$ -i
To allow for manual Cron proccessing, toggle DISABLE_WP_CRON to [true] for each WordPress installation that should be processed manually.
Once one or more WordPress installations are setup for manual Cron processing, schedule a job in your OS Cron
system to run the script with the -r
option. Set a schedule that is appropriate for your WordPress
installations. Every 15 minutes should be fine, but there may be plugins that need it more often.
Usage: [options...]
-r, --runall Run all pending WordPress cron tasks on all WordPress installations
that have the WordPress Cron system disabled
-i, --interactive Run in interactive mode with menu
-h, --help Display help contents
The program will scan locate all WordPress installations recursively within the current directory.
Interactive Mode displays an interactive menu to list all discovered WordPress installations, enable/disable
the WordPress Cron system for all installations, or toggle the WordPress Cron system on an individual
installation. It also provides an option to run all pending WordPress Cron jobs on all sites that have been
setup for manual proccessing.