
Proof of concept nim binding for Panda3D

Primary LanguageNim

This is a proof of concept nim binding for Panda3D.

There is a subset of the DIRECT API implemented as well. It is deliberately incomplete, only the parts that can't be trivially reimplemented using the C++ API are intended to be supported.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Reference-counted types like PandaNode are always by-ref, using Panda's reference counting system, just like in Python. To create an instance, use something like newPandaNode(). These types are nillable.
  • Other types, like NodePath, are stored by-value. Create instances using initNodePath() and the like.
  • The typical code convention in nim is camelCase, but snake_case is supported as well by virtue of how nim's identifier resolution works.
  • Both property interfaces and getter/setter methods are supported.
  • Tuples are accepted in place of vectors, but be sure that the types of the elements are correct.
  • The ShowBase constructor doesn't open a window. Call openDefaultWindow().
  • The direct modules are woefully incomplete, see above.

Here is a brief example, see test.nim for the complete Hello World tutorial.

import direct/showbase
import direct/actor
import panda3d/core

var base = ShowBase()

var env = loader.loadModel("models/environment")
env.setScale(0.25, 0.25, 0.25)
env.setPos(-8, 42, 0)

var pandaActor = Actor()
pandaActor.loadAnims({"walk": "models/panda-walk4"})
pandaActor.setScale(0.005, 0.005, 0.005)


Building the example:

make test